The founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui created the five principles of the Usui Natural Healing System called Reiki. He recognised an individual's appreciation and gratitude in his ability with healing. From my perspective it is not just the practitioner that must feel grateful the client must feel grateful, clients who seek healing must also play an active role in the healing process. To change a situation in one's life there must also be a change in attitude - as what one thinks is what shall be.

It is based on this theory - projecting only thoughts of love and thankfulness is to create a life full of love and abundance.

Here are the five spiritual principles:

Just for today, I will let go of worry.

Just for today, I will love and respect all life forms.

Just for today, I will accept my many blessings.

Just for today, I will live my life honestly.

It is generally believed among Reiki practitioners that living by these principles they will place themselves in the flow of life - what you think is truly what you are.

These principals are basic tenets of good living. It means that one is kind, compassionate, tolerant and accepting of others and their behaviours. Positive thinking creates positive energy.

There is a beautiful energy life force emanating from the Earth all the time. I just have to remember to walk the beach and breathe the energy in.

Have a happy day.

Enjoy reading and please comment.


Hmm, this principle shows that the life we experience on the outside is based on our life inside. Speaking positive to oneself has a lot of effects on our lives. I really believe in this principle. Positive energy shared! Thanks a lot Angie

Thanks for your wise words tobah - so nice to hear from a like minded person.

It's my pleasure Angie

and look at that beach! wow. that's a great photo, the waves almost match the color of the clouds.howdy there @angiemitchell! great principles to live by.

Sorry @janton, this is a late reply. Yes this beach is a magic spot - I feel very lucky living here.

you deserve it.

Palabras muy ciertas! he tenido experiencias con el reiki y he entendido que no solo el que lo aplica sino el que lo recibe deben estar en sintonía, vibrar en una misma frecuencia, llenarse de pensamientos positivos alejando todas las energías negativas que nos rodean
Very certain words! I have had experiences with Reiki and I have understood that not only the one who applies it but the one who receives it must be in tune, vibrate in the same frequency, be filled with positive thoughts, removing all the negative energies that surround us.