Basics of Understanding of ENERGY

in #spirituality5 years ago (edited)


"It is one thing to give energy, but... if we give energy to someone who gives it back, then we build energy, then it amplifies back and forth. If we were all doing this, humanity would take another step in evolution." - The Celestine Prophecy

If you are a kind loving Soul living&loving through these exciting times of TRANSFORMATION - this reminder is for you.


ENERGY is all there IS, It is the Universal life force that flows through everything that lives, there are many names for it - prana/chi/qi. It is what everything is made of.
We are more familiar with the forms of energy like electricity or heat. We push the button, boom - the light is ON. Recently we started using this word in it's broader perspective, we say "That person has really nice energy" or "Weird energy there".
Collectively we are closer to understanding ENERGY then we ever were.
Energy is what makes our breath flow (yours and mine), it is what makes our hearts beat, it is what keeps you and me moving forward in life, make decisions, think thoughts and act in a certain way.
It is energy that makes us grow, succeed and evolve.

No energy - no life.
Sometimes we have more energy, sometimes we have less, often - not enough to do all the things we wish to do.
We can lose a lot of energy during rough times in life, many of us know what it feels like to be drained and empty... we say, "I have no energy today" OR "I would love to have heaps of energy."

Everything and everyone under the sun requires ENERGY in order to thrive, and everything strives to RECEIVE energy.

Energy is our spiritual currency!
In a world of mystics, healers, teachers and world bridgers, ENERGY is all that matters, anyone who ever healed anything or had to overcome addiction knows what a battle it can be.

Learning how to exchange, use and cultivate energy, knowing how to share it and protect it can be life saving at this point in time.

ENERGY EXCHANGE a sacred UNIVERSAL LAW that has been distorted by the system. We are programmed to exchange our life force for money - go to work that serves the system - get money, get our bills paid, etc. Many of us still give our time and energy to the system in order to survive. We admire those who broke free from this loop and live their lives in alignment with their truth.
We are purposefully not educated on the subject of ENERGY, and that is where we need to look if we wish to HEAL ourselves and make a difference in the world we live in.


  • ENERGY can be cultivated - our choices and activities of high frequency create energy, such as:

SELF-LOVE (taking care of what is SELF, being honest with oneself, setting boundaries)

CREATIVITY/IMAGINATION (expressing our true essence)


SOUL CONNECTION (mutual harmonious energy exchange),

BEING with NATURE (receiving energy from our Mother Earth),

TAPPING into THE HIGHER INTELLIGENCE (silence/stillness/meditation),

WHOLE FRESH PLANT-BASED FOODS (free energy delivery to our cells),

all sorts of CLEANSES, etc.

In yoga philosophy these kind of activities/choices are called SATTVIC (truth, light). Everything that connects us to SPIRIT is SATTVA. Everything that disconnects us from it is called TAMAS (darkness).

  • We can GIVE or RECEIVE Energy willingly.

Mutual Energy exchange is the most harmonizing and joyful experience any of us can have here.

That is why we all strive to love & to be loved (I don't refer to the Hollywood version of love).

LOVE is the most empowering energy-cultivating phenomenon ever!

LOVE is a nuclear ENERGY Bomb!
When we love - we give&receive energy, we strengthen our SELF, one another, and have the ability to UNITE as ONE CONSCIOUSNESS.

  • Energy can be stolen, it can leak out without our knowing, and that is what I would like to invite your awareness to at this point.

A lot is going on right now in the energy field.

Humanity is finally learning about the invisible/unseen world - our spiritual home, where we are as REAL as we can be, where we are all powerful conscious beings, connected to the POWER within and living according to Universal Laws.

There are energy battles and attacks, energy blockages, etc. It is all gloriously messy.

One thing for sure -

The better we read energies - the easier it is to navigate through life.

Parasitic Consciousness is a lower form of consciousness. It does have it's place in this vast Universe. Body-less entities, parasites are good examples of it.

This low vibrational existence cannot create energy, so it is stealing it from what OR who it can.

This is not something new, this survival game has been played for thousands of years.
Us, human beings, can become unconscious carriers of this energy or be victimized by it. We know it by the way it FEELS. It feels like a soul rape.

Ever been around people that don't feel right?
Ever felt drained after spending time with someone who does not stop complaining, criticizing or manipulating?
Ever found yourself operating on low vibration yourself?
It is all OK, it is part of our learning process. How else would we learn what serves us and what does not?

People that we call sociopaths and narcissists, stalkers and abusers are good examples of this low vibrational energy in a human form.

Those who do not have their own connection to the Higher Truth/God/Universe - whatever word resonates with you - and not willing to learn about the subject become portals of this energy and they look for someone to attach to in order to survive. Awareness of this phenomena taking place can be a game-changer.

When we are AWARE, when we are using our inner GPS/intuition, we sense that something is not right, and we do all we can to free from it. Living our lives with energy hooks attached to us is one miserable way to experience life.

I speak from my own - not so nicey-nicey but valuable experiences. OUR AWARENESS AT THIS POINT can be LIFE SAVING.

This unattractive soul-robbing energy was part of the program that the system created to keep humanity enslaved.

This energy can come through people who did not do their inner work (for reasons that are none of our business really), they did not heal their wounds, did not address their fragmentation, did not find the courage or support to reconnect with their Soul. It is no one’s fault, it is just the way it IS at this particular point in time.
We don't have to dwell on this for too long, analyzing who did what and who is to blame.
Looking for scapegoats is another part of the programming. Blaming others never awakened anyone into their state of consciousness.
We can start creating different kind of ENERGY, the one we enjoy, the one we wish for our self and our loved ones.

When we are aware - we can identify the pattern & refuse to engage, rather then react and get pulled into something we do not wish to be a part of. That is when things might get unpleasant, we might witness abuse in action directed towards us, we don't have to be afraid when we have the tools to deal with it. If you ever had a high voltage empath-narcissist relationship - you know this far too well. Wasn’t it great to learn from that experience?

We unconsciously give our energy when we are in fear, when we are not allowed to be who we are, when we are not seen and honored for who we really are - UNIQUE and MAGNIFICENT beings of love.” Why me? Poor me!” mode is another program that many of us get stuck in. Allowing one self to feel like a victim is not an A+ decision.


STAND UP for YOUR SELF. Choose YOU every single time when you feel manipulated.

Claim your right to be YOU regardless of whoever says whatever.

You are a child of the Universe. You have the right to be here, You have the right to be Whole and Happy version of You. Do all you can to free yourself from this kind of energy, even if you have to fight or to get divorced or to run away to far away places.

You are the only one responsible for your life! It is your responsibility to take care of YOU and to connect to your cosmic avatar, to your SPIRIT. No one else will do it for you.

We must face our own fear and acknowledge the programming in order to make through these challenging times for us all.

I would not be here with you, my beautiful friends, if I stayed plugged in to the collective programming. I know what it takes to pull the plug, I was fortunate to be forced into life situations where following the norm meant the end of me as I know it.

It is our chance and our birth right to feel united with our SPIRIT. It takes a lot of self-love and willingness to do the inner work, it takes mental flexibility to accept everything as it is without getting stuck in the reaction to it.

I was so afraid for a long time. I did all I could (as many of us do!) to AVOID my own SPIRIT that demanded me to become REAL and to step up my cosmic game.

I came to see that - this is what all this violence, all this abuse and this injustice is here to teach us. It creates an energy of CLARITY and directs us to our own POWER, it forces us to claim our energy.

Some of us would rather die fighting for the right to be WHOLE and FREE than live as a victim and a slave, as a puppet on someone else’s string.

We are here to find our SPIRIT and to ALIGN with UNIVERSAL LAWS. And at this point in time -we are not left much of a choice, really.

A few clarifications on the subject of our energy dance with others.

Those who impose their will upon others, no matter how great their excuses and intentions are - break the Law of the Universe, playing God with others is not the way of the Universe, system does that all the time and look where we got collectively, it is the very same energy that kept us enslaved for so long.

One of the basic UNIVERSAL Laws - Never interfere with a free will of another!

We have the power to stop this outrageous disharmonious behavior and to put an end to violence on Earth, be it physical, emotional or energetic one. We witnessed enough trauma and took too many punches to learn from the experience. Didn't we?


What we need to remember is this - everything under the sun is trying to survive, in order to do that - energy is required….that is all. If it was not you or me, then it would be someone else, as long as we allow this ENERGY to exist, we remain stuck. Intend to delete this program, but stay calm and centered, take nothing personal.


There is a difference between those who are just confused and angry at this world and those who don't give a flying hoodie about anything but their own survival. Being a loving soul does not mean being a pushover. Learning where to love&light and where to kick ass is important.


Do not be ashamed or afraid to choose YOU.
Wanting to get rid of parasites is as natural as taking a breath. When I deal with parasites, and in my line of work I do that often - many of us are hosting all kinds of parasitic beings, physical or energetic ones - my job is to focus on a state of WELL BEING of a person in healing, I know for sure - there are no successful negotiations with vampires. No amount of love&light will work here.
Stay focused on claiming your energy, so You can begin to feel WHOLE again. It is perfectly human - to strive to be whole, healthy and loved, to experience life as HARMONY and JOY. .....unless you are happy to be a sacrifice to blood/energy sucking beings.
By choosing higher consciousness and freedom for yourself, you are doing it for all of us here, you are choosing EVOLUTION.

We are all energy beings, we all can tap into the power within regardless where we are in life, we all can become SOUL warriors, we all have a SPIRIT!

I would like to wrap this subject up by saying the following -

No one can stop the sun from shining and the winds of change from blowing. Humanity is awakening and getting up from their knees. It is happening.
New Earth is birthing, we are where we are supposed to be - with mother Earth & Universe on our side!!!
The more AWARENESS and CLARITY we gain through all these experiences - the more conscious energy we build for the world!

Thank you for spending time with me here.

May we tap into the POWER that is within us all. May we unite & start creating the world of HARMONY and TRUTH.


There is a place I drop off cheques for my business tax and the gov. has it surrounded by cement slugs! lol They know exactly what they're doing and why and then 100% deny that they're doing it.
Dorothy's shoes were silver and gold as she worked her way to the emerald (KA$H) city that was controlled by who? Yes, u know who:P
My only critique here is at some point spiritually minded people have to collectivize in order to alter the systems of control. Lone spiritual recyclers ain't gonna cut it:)