Little program called - meat-eating.

in #spirituality5 years ago


A decision not to eat meat at this point in time comes from a place of morality and compassion.
It comes from the heart.
Anyone making an effort to reduce the suffering on this planet has my respect and support, regardless what they are called - vegans, animal activists, modern medicine people, energy healers, mystics, new Earthers, etc.

There is a lot of emotional charge around this subject.
Some people get angry for being judged for their food choices and stand up for their right to choose, others get outraged by the unspeakable cruelty that animals have been subjected to and stand up for our voiceless furry friends, and the rest stay away from the subject all together, because it is too painful and confusing to even look at.

It does help to remember where and who we are collectively at this point in time!

Planet Earth! Time of great change and transformation.
The Earth and all her earthlings are coming out of the loooong slavery and finding their way to WHOLENESS and WELLNESS, everything that lives calls for its birthright - to be whole, to be loved, to be free. Times of great awakening are here.
We are entering new era - time of Oneness, Harmony, and Truth.
What really helps is - understanding that collectively we were programmed to stay plugged into the system that fights for its survival, just like anything else under the sun. The more dependent we are on the system - the more we seem to defend it's heartless set up. It is - an old world via a new one, machine against Nature. Programming via evolution.

Let us have a deeper look at this sensitive subject. Let us remain open-minded and forget what we were told, for just a moment let us see the bigger picture. Shall we?
The system - the machine created a certain set up here that is designed to feed itself and ensure it's survival. The machine does not care about this planet or those who live here, you and me included. It made itself very comfortable on our expense - the reaches of the Earth and her Earthlings. It is no longer something that we don't know anything about. It is out, in the open.

The system created certain rules and regulations. It created this energy grid in which most of us unwillingly participate. There are jobs, products, beliefs that are all designed to keep us plugged in to this artificially created grid and out of alignment with our deeper/higher SELF. The more plugged in to the system we are - the further away we are from our inner truth, from JOY, from happiness. We hardly stop to examine our lives, our value systems, or our thoughts, let alone our morality.
We are too busy being engaged in energy exchange with the system in order to live what we think is a good life.
We are talking - collectively, of course, not you and me.

Because of this artificially created life style, imposed by the system, many of us moved far away from who we are, we got disconnected from Nature, from our cosmic origin, from our HEART. We accepted and adjusted to a lot of strange weird stuff in order to fit in. We exchange our time and energy for money, then we spend it on stuff that we are convinced we must have. Consumption is another little program to identify and work through. What we earned - we give back to the system, getting a few more self-damages in the process. It is a set up. We are programmed to consume, to self-destruct and to obey, to follow the rules.

As long as we are engaged in a life style created by the system, we are trapped.
As long as our life force is invested in the system, rather then our own soul purpose - we are stuck. We must unplug from the collective programming if we are to evolve.

So, what does it have to do with eating meat, you ask.
Those of you who defend their right to eat whatever you want are absolutely right. Your freedom of choice to do, say, and eat must be honored and respected, just like for the rest of us here... in the ideal world every living being is sacred and has the right to live according to his/her will.

A tiny little hick up to take into a consideration here is the bigger picture - we are not living in the ideal world, we are in the process of creating it. The times we are living through are revolutionary times, we are evolving individually and collectively. We are transcending, transforming. Our individual choices matter more then we can imagine.

Why do we think that our personal freedom is more important then the freedom of another?
Why someone should be enslaved and tortured their entire life in order for us to enjoy bacon or foie gras?

Why do we have this tendency to make ourselves comfortable on the expense of someone else?

"I don't care, I just like meat", where is the heart, the humanness in such response? I do not wish for any of us to live in a world where no one cares about anyone but themselves.

This kind of attitude resembles the attitude of the system, the machine itself. Doesn't it?
That is exactly what the system wants - to create its own mini versions of itself - heartless, soul-less, robot-like beings who don't use their brains.. or hearts, just walk around staring at their blinking devises and obeying the rules.
Programming is nothing to be intimidated or be ashamed of.
We are all heros who came here at times like this. The question that we might want to ask - who am I in all of this?

I have nothing against people who think they need to eat meat. I have all kinds of friends in my life and we respect each other's uniqueness and stages of evolution. To me, it is the content of our hearts that does it.

I do not approve of the cruelty performed by the meat industry, as much as I do not approve pf the food industry that alters our human DNA and our ability to think by putting neurotoxins in our food and water. I do not approve of the Big P-Harma that numbs our ability to be emphatic and compassionate, drugging humanity and turning humans into vegetables. I do not approve of the machine that turns humans into zombies, killing the soul in everything that rebels or shows a spark of joy.
We must not hold our programming against one another, our collective confusion will transmute faster if we hold on to each other, directing and guiding one another.
Human beings, as much as animals and our beautiful Earth, we all deserve compassion, we all have my compassion.

What I really find comforting in all of this is the fact that machine can only survive if we feed it.

If we all stand up together against it, instead of getting angry at one another for being confused and programmed, we would change this world in a blink of an eye, we have all kinds of eyes here.

The machine made itself very clear, it does not give a damn about life on this planet, yours and mine included. Like a parasite, It sucks the life force out of anything that lives in order to survive.
Nothing personal here, it is just one of the Universal laws - everything that lives needs life force to survive, we get it.

Only some living beings cultivate this life force (like earth, nature: plants, animals and soulful human beings), and some steal it from others (like parasites, entities, artificially created systems).
What category we choose to be in is totally up to us.
Machine survives entirely on our life force, anything will do - humans, animals, insects, forests and fields, oceans.. whatever.

It is the system/machine that abused this planet and violated Universal laws.

Right to be free and healthy is something we are all entitled to, all without exception. You and me have as much right as all the other living beings.
No one should suffer to deliver joy to someone else.
No one should be comfortable on someone else's expense, not the system, nor you or me. It is against Universal law. It lacks humanity. It lacks HEART.

So, if you really think that you need to eat meat, do yourself a favor - do it in a different way - stop supporting the system that torments sentient beings, sells them as food and makes it look like a norm.
Get yourself animals and engage in an honest energy exchange: look after them, feed them, be there for them when they are sick or cold, see their eyes and their character every day, watch them grow and evolve, give before you take, if you must. Honor the law of the energy exchange.

During my long life as a self-healer and a well-being guide I got to meet and assist hundreds of people, so I got to hear all sorts of statement and questions. The thing with the programming - it makes us dumb in our own unique way . I remember one young man who was convinced that humans are supposed to eat animals the same way as the lion that eats flesh of other animals.
Yes, Nature can appear cold-hearted and even cruel, wild creatures hunt and kill each other to survive, but it is good to keep in mind that the very same lion or other hunting animal kills his victim while it is FREE, in the wild things are different. No lion was ever interested in enslaving or torturing his prey before he devours it.

Those who believe that they need additional life force in order to better their own state of well-being will never choose a flesh of a tortured and sick being that never seen any love in their short life. They know that everything is energy and that energy of pain and suffering never made anyone healthy, happy and whole. Universe does not work that way.

Everything is alive and breathing: people, animals, trees and flowers. Everything has a life force. We are all engaged in this life force-exchange continuously. We are all intertwined.
We are all striving for love, love does not take or rob, it gives and nurtures, it honors and respects, and then it gives more. Earth does that, nature does that, sun does that, some soulful people do that.

If everything is alive and breathing, then plants, fruits and vegetables are also living beings, right? Right, but none of us, even the most energy-sensitive ones heard a screaming fruit or saw a bleeding lettuce. Plants are happy to engage in the energy exchange, consumed by us - they become us.
If you are still confused and looking for some kind of explanation that will help you to address this part of the programming, here is a little guide line.
Anything that has eyes and a heart beat, anything that has a breath moving through it and blood running through his/her veins, anything that fights for its life - is not a thing, is not food, it is a living sentient being, who just like you and me has the right to LIVE and to be FREE.

So, returning back to the beginning of this chapter -
A decision not to eat meat at this point in time comes from a place of morality and compassion. It comes from the heart. It is entirely up to you and me where we wish to invest our life force and what world we wish to live in.
It is just programming that we need to give up, nothing more, nothing less.
How wonderful it is to know that we all can have more joy then we could think of and leave this world better then we found it.

extract from Eat To Be Happy by yours truly


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