Hi Andrew. Your comment made me smile :-) Thank you. I seem to meet hippy warriors of love everywhere I go... yes, North Thailand is the place where we are. so much love your way!!!
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Hi Andrew. Your comment made me smile :-) Thank you. I seem to meet hippy warriors of love everywhere I go... yes, North Thailand is the place where we are. so much love your way!!!
Oh, that's so good to hear although you'll never mistake me for one as am a grouchy ole curmudgeon:P
You might like my chai though:
Dear Andrew. Thank you for sharing your vibes and your amazing tea. I can almost smell it and taste it wile watching your video. I am delighted to connect with luminous beings like You. I also have a tea recipe that I believe contributed to my self-healing. I call it Yogi Chai.

Our teas rock!!!
I'm about as shiny as these little guys:

We make great tea though!
I just happen to have some stuff handy:)
I did mention recently that I'm 'quidditious'
Oh, yes, it's quite good and lighter tasting than my chai-- which is better! lol