When we spend our time and energy on harming - gossiping, and mocking, throwing unkind comments, practicing our smart-ass-ness, when we invest our Self in hatred and judgments - we operate on a low-vibration mode - in yoga we call it tamas.
It is irrelevant how smart, clear and mind educated we might think we are.
It keeps us trapped in our head, making us reactive, emotional and therefore unkind.
When we operate on this mode, we become life-force sucking portals - unconsciously, of course - creating ripples of chaos and confusion.
It does not serve us.
It does not serve the world we live in.
When we spend our time and energy on lifting and inspiring others, on creativity, on compassion, on teaching ourselves to love and live in a higher alignment - we operate on a high vibration mode - in yoga we call it sattva.
It allows us to experience reality from the HEART, and that is where we get to feel/experience this mysterious, mind-blowing connection to everything there IS and everyone there are.
This alters our perspective.
We become portals of LOVE, creating ripples of HARMONY and PEACE.
It serves us all.
You and me, stars and galaxies included.

Choose your vibration mode, my love!
Listen to your cosmic GPS, to your belly brain.
This is how we practice yoga, yoga as it is.
Universe does not care how good our head stand is.
Yet she smiles every time you and me make this world a better place.
Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator.
Dreamer of a better world for all.
Thank You for sharing this!
Just at the perfect time... as usual 💚
Daily showing up and lovingly aligning with my passions has been my mantra for a while now and I'm about to record a vlog about it.
Thanks for the inspiration 💚 💚 💚
Thank you love
beautiful words I needed to hear right now
I don't know much about Yoga but I do some practices that I think create a difference in my life. I wake up at 5 PM and stand in my balcony to focus on the natural sounds. This helps me to increase my focus power and make me stable. Thanks for posting @annasuvorova
what a lovely complement! Thank you love