When you are aware of the energy inside the simulated reality that we reside in, you may notice that there are certain signs that detail what is to come.
Our ancestors were more naturally in tune with these subtle energies than we are today. If you think about the Native Americans, they were very well known to pick up on events before they would happen, because they were very deeply connected with nature, which is energy.
We all can unlock these abilities, but it takes more practice in the modern world.
More Information:
Community Website - https://www.ReprogramTheMatrix.com
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzmeBaZ7ixtnpkkIILksqUw
Binaural Beats - http://www.gumroad.com/binauralbeats
Yes... and toxicity in food and aroud us and animals products peoples eat change their sensibility of the frequency... i know by experience
Bravo for your post
Very true. Most people have lost their extra sensory perception, which really isn't extra, haha. Thank you :)
Have a nice night anyway :)
this is good @astrosolsin Upvote and Follow me too @mahmoudibrahim and thanks