Some Can Only Talk & Never Walk The Spiritual Path

in #spirituality8 years ago

Many people do not take the spiritual path seriously, especially when they realize they have to be disciplined.

Not everyone is fit for the true path. It isn't easy, but the rewards are extremely valuable. At least if you consider beating the game in this simulation. Yes, we live in a simulated world and I am not afraid to accept it. 

Learning to accept the reality for what it is, gives you power. 

This video has a very powerful message for those who are ready and can see with their first eye. 

More Information:

Community Website - 

Youtube -

Binaural Beats -


This applied the first time watching this a year ago, still applies now. 🙏 x3

That power brother x44

Syncs up with some videos I recorded today too. But from the body perspective since that personally needs the most discipline and even that ties in to the other 2 parts. ⚖️♻️💓