In Part 1 of The Empaths Survival Guide I tried to shine a light on some of the backgrounds of what it means to be an empath.
This second part, has the same title as my teachers Matt Kahns new radio show at Hay House Radio. Matt did his first episode yesterday and introduced a new teaching, that will help empaths who struggle with their energetic sensitivity in their daily lives.
After some years of integrating his teachings into my own life, I thought, that there will be not much new for me in a first introductory radio show, but I was totally wrong. He blew me away energetically and especially with this brand new teaching, that I want to introduce you here.
If you got the chance, please listen to his show yourself, to experience the full energetic 5D version.
I am, the world.
As I already wrote in part 1, empaths tend to believe, that what they are feeling and energetically sensing, is their own unresolved stuff.
Most empaths have tried to heal themselves out of this false assumption, going to many therapies and healers and wondering, why after doing so for many years, they are still feeling such a huge load of sadness, anger and despair.
„I have done every therapy under the sun and nothing has worked! It even gets worse, the more I meditate and do lightwork! The lighter I get, the more darkness appears in my field!“, I hear from many of my clients too.
This is a perfectly normal thing, and only proofs the light that you are.
What you are feeling as an empath are the emotions and energies of the world and they want to go into the light through the doorway of your open heart.
So the first Mantra Matt introduced yesterday is I am, the world
Not in the sense of taking on the weight of the world on your own shoulders, but to affirm, that whatever you are feeling, is what the world is feeling as I am.
So the next time sadness appears in your energy field, you don’t say „I am sad“, but „The world is sad“.
Another version would be: The world is feeling sadness as „I am“.
The world can only feel sad through „I am“. „I am“ ist just the way, the world experiences anything, but the feeling itself is not yours personally.
As an empath, we have incarnated here, to clear the collective field of all kinds of different emotions and energies.
Feeling is the way we do it. Remember: What you are feeling, is what you are healing.
You can try this exercise with every emotion or energy that comes up.
Just replace the „I am feeling ….“ with „The world is feeling ….“, and watch how this instantly shifts your energy.
I allow you to pass.
The second tool Matt introduced, is pure perfection in 5 magical words.
It’s the openness to admit anything into the light that you are. You are the gateway to heaven, so let everything pass through with the magic words:
“I allow you to pass“
Put your hand on your heart and say these words out loud. Try it and feel what happens!
This is not „letting go“ either, since letting go still has a tendency of pushing things away. It can easily become a passive-aggressive act of trying to get rid of an emotion or energy.
For me „I allow you to pass“ has an enormous power. It is in itself also an affirmation of your own true power as the light that you are.
The next time you feel anxious, say „The world is feeling anxious“ and „I allow you to pass“. You worry? „The world is worrying“ and „I allow you to pass“. You feel anger? „It’s not me who is angry, it’s the world that is angry. I allow this anger to pass into the light of my being“
I don’t think, that an empath needs any more tools to live their unique quality as life’s eternal liberator. You, dear empath, are here to free the world from its suffering. You are healing yourself as the world!
When in each moment you are aware, that you are feeling the world and allow it to pass through you into the light, you are perfectly equipped to face all challenges along your path.
Much Love and stay (a)tuned,
Thank you so much for this synopsis of Matt's teaching and the link to it. I will listen in a bit. This really hits home for me coming out of a conversation with my eldest sister just a few minutes ago. There is so much childhood identity I have that she doesn't have, because she was 8 years older than me and not nearly as sensitive a person in general. She has no memory at all even of things I witnessed being directed at her that scarred me in the witnessing. It's that empath nature to sometimes take on someone else's suffering more than even they experience it! And yes, I do allow all of the energy of those memories to pass.
Thank you - it's my pleasure serving you! Please tell me how you liked Matts show and if it was similar intense to you.
Yes, especially as empathic children, we don't have the tools and insights to handle to these energies and we naturally believe, that what we are feeling is ours or because of us. That's why these insights are so important for us as adults. ❤️
My whole life, I have felt that I could hear the truth of other’s hearts, whether or not they were speaking those truths with their mouths. In a quiet room, I heard what everyone wasn’t saying. It got me into a lot of trouble. I was shocked at an early age to learn that others weren’t necessarily ready or willing to face, let alone speak their truth. I started to understand that people hide, and it has taken me years to gather information to understand better why we hide. I have a lot of compassion for that need to hide now. But after years of my own hiding, the pain became too great. It broke me down and forced me back out. Pain and trauma helped me reconnect with my ability to feel my way to knowing. And surviving it all gave me the confidence to start trusting my gifts again.
Thank you for this beautiful sharing! Blessings! 🙏
"The lighter I get, the more darkness appears in my field!“, I hear from many of my clients too."
Yes, that is typical and a very good sign. As you know, the more we release fears the more awake we get on the Astrals, and I am now as awake there as I am in the waking state. Every here and then I feel negative energies coming closer into my vicinity, sometimes more negative sometimes less negative.(Even though we should discern whether we are really dealing with a negative entity or if it is just our own fear which we erroneously project onto that entity).
Anyway, over the years I have learnt that whenever a negative entity comes closer to me and naturally tries to get access to my mind to spread fear in me, this is a sign that a very positive shift is about to take place in my physical reality. And the more often this happens within a certain period of time the more positive is the profundity of this positive shift. So in the meanwhile I shifted my attitude towards these experiences in a positive direction. I know that nothing can happen and I kinda embrace them even, because next "lifetime" I'll be dealing with them in the physical reality . So the more I get the better ;)
I could tell you some stories, but so could you for sure. Which is also a point why I embrace such experiences, because I know that each wacky story will be one more in the whole pool of stories we'll all share with each other one day! 😉
Thanks for sharing! 🙏
How do you know, if a fear is "yours" or not? And most of all: Why do you need to know?
For me this makes no difference, whether it's mine or not - any emotion is here to enter the light. They are all orphans trying to find their way home.
You know, we as energetic sensitive souls belong to the more insecure side of god consciousness 😉- we always tend to believe, that some "dark energy" is ours and we have caused some harm or karma that is now here to haunt us. The stance in "It's the world, that is feeling ...." does not only separate us, but also allows us to unite with any energy - not out of guilt, but out of Love. It's essential alchemy - divide to unite.
I totally get, that facing the shadowy aspects has also a direct effect in the "physical world", which on the other hand isn't that physical at all. So yes, it's a fore-shadow-ing of what is about to manifest. 😀
Surely. But especially with the re-universalization back into the cosmic community the unfamiliar looks of some Extraterrestrials might trigger some sense of fight or flight mode in us. Of course, all is Light and all is Love. But for me it was sort of good to know whether it is my own fear or not because otherwise I would fall into premature judgment. How sad would that be?
I would love to elaborate on the how I discern fear, but I wouldn't come to an end☺
I guess if we'd now travel to a planet where only Zetas live it would make the practical application of personal insights a greater challenge even for more spiritually advanced people. Simply because instinctive fears might be triggered which couldn't be addressed on Earth alone.
😃I get your multidimensional stance though!
Is this extraterrestrial racism? 😀The last time I told a Grey, that he looks stupid with his big eyes and wrinkly skin and that he basically reminds me of the main actor in the E.T. movie, he was not amused... 😀
This reminds me of the joke, where a Zeta enters a bar... No, I'm stopping right there...
You could make a post out of the "how I discern fear" topic though - this could be interesting!
Haha, no racism! I also had contact to one many years ago but he/she/it (😃) was only mumbling something like "Beep, beep, beep", but it was a good-hearted Zeta because he/she it then followed up with making me feel why I seem to judge it by its looks. We'll, I didn't judge it, I was just absolutely unfamiliar to his/her/its looks. In another instance I glimpsed into a time line on Earth where Zetas live with Humans together. And what I saw was that they adopted Human behaviors. One ate popcorn in front of the TV and the other drove a car. 😶
I'll better get used to it. Next life I'll visit a planet where Zeta is one of the races living there.☺
Seems reasonable and I even get the popcorn part, but this "watching TV" sounds a little bit too sci-fi to me! 😀
There is nothing that doesn't exist in infinite time lines within infinite Universes. ;)
@atmosblack Empowering post. The tools for empaths from this post:
It's a whole new dimension, when you are embodying the light. I used to think being the light must be a nice cozy feeling all the time. But appears being a light worker, is work, and service of another kind. Thanks for the post! Cheers!
You beautifully summed it up! ❤️
Yes, the more you become aware of you being the light of the world, the rougher it can get sometimes. This is often the moment, when people start to doubt their path (meditation, lightwork etc), while they should see this as a sign of progress. 😀
It was a much needed insight. Because I used to wonder, how when I didn't bother with doing the "good" stuff, I had no problems, and as I started doing the good stuff, I felt as if being punished for doing it. So now I see where it is all coming from. Thank you!
This is very useful, now I know what to do when I feel other people's feelings like suddenly feeling angry but I have nothing to be angry about. Thank you so much for sharing.
Omg, I so needed to hear this today. What an amazing shift I just experienced when using "the world". I not only feel it all, but tend to carry it all around with me like its my own. Thank you!
That's the spirit! Beautiful! ❤️
When I experience emotions like that or a strange pain I just say - "This is only a sensation, I release it to god" in that moment the sensation leaves my body.
Thank youbfor sharing these wonderful techniques
Thank you, Eugene! 🙏
Great post! No wonder, the more I meditate, the more sensitive I felt like I was becoming an emotional sponge absorbing everything and I stopped meditation altogether.
Thank you! 🙏
Just be aware, that even if it sometimes can feel like being a sponge, you are not actually absorbing any energy. All these energies and emotions just stand in line to be loved. That's all they want from you and since you are such a beautiful light, it does make total sense, that they stand in line in front of you. If I would be some dark and unloved energy, I would also seek the light. 😉
Thank you for the reminder. I will keep it in mind xx ☺
Thank you for sharing this, atmosblack. I've been listening to Matt since 2012 and he's helped me so much along a crazy path! We empaths are ushering in a new world, for certain. Keep up the writing...♥
Thank you, Lisa! So good to find likeminded people here! I follow you!
Blessings and much Love! 🙏
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Ah but my question in part 1 remains. Too bad I can't listen to what Matt has to say without singing up...