Image by bossyscissorfan on Deviant Art
Many people, on first seeing pictures of Mother Kali are frightened and hugely turned off, especially because of her black color, bulging eyes, necklace of skulls (which represents the sacred sounds that remove the heavy nets of illusions we carry in our mental field) and outstretched tongue. For me it is the opposite because I know the fierce form of the Divine Mother is getting the job done. As someone who has meditated, been a professional intuitive and used clairvoyant (clear seeing) abilities for many years I've seen and felt a lot of toxic things around people that they are not aware of yet still these energies can affect your life. Everything from receiving toxic energies from past and present lovers to "negative vibes" people are always sending and receiving towards each other, to ancestral "issues" and the effects of karma. This heavy, thick, toxic energy needs to be removed. This is the work of Mother Kali. She is hungry to swallow whole that which hurts Her children and the passionate outstretched tongue is Her desire (a little know fact: Mother Kali is also the Queen of sexual Tantra). What I have found also over the years is that Durga works more on "dark magick" and Kali works on personal issues but they do work together.

Image of Chandraghanta by Roovalijuan
On this, the final night where Kali is doing Her work all over the planet during this festival She takes the form of Chandraghanta. Chandraghanta (who's name partially calls to mind the calming full moon which brings harmonious feelings and emotional balance) has her third eye wide open which means she is seeing clearly what needs to be removed from in through and around you. She does this calmly. She teaches that through the art of detachment through the previous night's work of commitment to spiritual practice you can let go much more easily.
It is only after the cleansing of karmic debris and ignorance whether it is personal or comes from bloodlines or social systems can we, in a balanced way, plant the seeds which will blossom into Laksmi's balanced wealth. One blessing Chandraghanta's brings is beginning recognition of true wealth within ourselves as well as within our family's prosperity. Chandraghanta's main weapon is a sword which cuts through delusion and she does this with utter compassion.
It is the fourth through sixth night which starts tomorrow evening that the Divine Principle of Wealth and Prosperity is honored through Divine Mother Laksmi. After this night we move into the beauty field of the Goddess of abundance and prosperity, Laksmi. It's important to understand that while Her field is always available to us it is only after having gone through the cleansing that Mother Kali brings that we can recognize the benefits of "shadow work" and see the blessings that may have been hiding in plain sight. The gifts of bravery and great strength are part of her name Chandra which is the name for the moon which is representative of calm and peaceful emotions.
May Chandraghanta's blessings help you release what no longer serves…

Head to the sky, feet rooted in earth - Awakened Oracle

I am enjoying this series of posts. This has been very helpful and insightful. Thank you sharing @awakened-oracle
I'm so glad you're enjoying this, more to come...