To each his own! But for me the answer is get a dog and go into the real world and just start falling till you learn to walk! No one can tell you how to be successful you have to learn it by trial and error! Best lesson I ever learned cost me over $100k USD which at the time was more money than I could dream of loosing but looking back got me into Bitcoin early and now i'm very happy it happened! Instead of college, I dropped out and realized it was best to invest into myself! My first 3 business ventures all failed or didn't make me rich, but this last one is the king so far and am VERY happy for it all! Most of my friends either never went to school and work min wage jobs OR are in over $100k of debt and still most of them work barely above entry level service jobs.. LOL so much for the college myth!
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Inspiring thought being shared but we are still dwelling in a society that makes the college diploma a key to prestige and social acceptance. Would love to connect with you @bigdeej :)
FUCK college lol ALL my "educated" college friends make less than I do or worse work min wage jobs to pay off debt for a degree that did nothing for them! All the people I work with dropped out and made a fortune in cryptocurrency, software design, FOSS, and other fields without debt and degrees lol! HMU anytime I'm @bigdeej almost everywhere! Also run @shadowbot here ;)