Sigh... the problem of our times.
First came the great generation, and they did great things.
And then came the boomer generations, and they filled up middle management.
But, they didn't get to middle management by being good at managing, or being good at what the people below them did. Nah, they got there by gold bricking and shifting the blame.
So, when you go to look for work at a corporation with lots of these people, you will find the bullshit runs deep, and that they have no clue what a good person looks like, or even how to test someone's skills.
There are people who can see the skills and goodness in people. And they are usually entrepreneurs. Gotta find them and get some of their time to introduce yourself.
The silent generation came before the bb'ers, my dad was one.
I'm early gen x.
We clashed.
He wanted me to be a bumber, but i just couldn't.
He's gone now.
What were they like, besides silent?
Just wanted their social security checks and to be left alone.
My dad worked his entire adult life, and what inflation didn't take, bad investment advice did.
He held alot of anger.
It was his only problem solving tool.
Other than that he was ok.
You always bring it home!!! I hadn't considered that this level of bullshit was a relatively new thing that is mainly a product of my parents generation. There was surely bullshit before but it was much more raw and simplistic, due to plain and direct selfishness and greed and not so systematic in nature.
Thanks for reminding me