People always come out of the woodwork saying that the Bible is a story and not a history. They continue to try and poke holes in it and use "logic" to prove it wrong. The funny thing is there is a very large and serious branch of study by "credible" scientists, lawyers, etc.... that set out to prove the Bible wrong and ended up proving to themselves that Jesus truly was and is the Christ. There's a reason the Bible has endured for thousands of years and is the best selling book of all time: it is God's Word to man. They continue to find historical and archeological digs that prove Old Testament peoples once thought a "myth" actually existed in places they never thought possible. If people study the Bible under the premise it is true, there is no end to the joy, peace, and discovery they will encounter on their journey of learning. If you study it believing it false or just a good story, you "deceive yourself and the truth is not in you". In my opinion, if you truly study the Bible and actively try to discern it's truths, the Holy Spirit will break down your walls and you will come to His truth.
As always, another great "day", papa.....thank you!