Agreed, it's utter bullshit. Lot of high and mighty "evolved" people hate to be called on that, though. It's a bit like the old *"you have no ego-attachment except your ego-attachment to not having an ego-attachment" dilemma I am wont to point people at when they start droning on in certain ways.
I like money because I like electricity and indoor plumbing, and I don't like mooching and couch surfing in the mistaken guise that I am practicing some form of latter day Transhumanism. I like having a car because I live in a semi-rural area and am two miles from the nearest bus stop and the weather here is too dodgy to ride a bike everywhere, all the time. I don't own-- and never have owned -- $150 trainers because some sports star put their name on them and somehow that makes me "cool, by association." My last four pair of shoes came from a thrift shop.