What you are seeing right now is the example of the aged, used, wasted cell found in a basic living organism. Do these words touch you? Are you familiar with the frustration, maybe shame, guilt towards yourself for having wasted some time of your life? Recently my life has been turned upside down by a picture of a sex toy that almost killed me but ahem and I have not felt this happy for almost a decade. And while how I became happy is a whole different story, today I'd like to focus on what killed that happiness and gave me a new purpose in life. This is gonna be a long and somewhat inspiring (I hope) read that will either make you wanna block me for being insane or move on with your news feed after a short smile. Who knows, it's literally my first post in years.
I'm not interested in sharing my backstory with you here as it has very little relevance. What you do need to know is that after my first happiness in August of 2016, and a horrible trauma in May 2017 I have been dealing with the effects and not very efficiently, mind you. Years later, aka now, in 2024 I got that same happiness again, except from a different source this time. It not only showed me that my happiness doesn't depend on one single person several countries away from me, but also that happiness can come from literally anywhere like suicide inducing pictures of sex toys by random strangers. Being happy again ignited that spark I have lost before 2017 happened. Overnight I changed from someone without a single hobby to someone who doesn't have enough hours in a day to do anything. With it came the inner growth. A new soul-seeking journey with the goal of finding out who I really am. That happiness showed a lot of things about me I didn't even know about. And one discovery has completely ruined everything I was about to plan...
It took a quick look back to figure out that for about 8 years that I've spent in total isolation, trying to deal with trauma by avoiding feelings, I have not developed anything that could have helped me with my goals now. I mean, for 8 years my life consisted of going to university I eventually dropped out of, doing dumb labor, eating junk food and playing the same three videogames all day, every day. I didn't need people to talk to because I had, like, 20 videos to keep watching over and over. I didn't want to watch anything new because with each new thing you watch all you get is slightly more entertainment and a chance to get yet another trauma in your collection. And so, for 8 years this is all I did. Videogames, dumb labor, junk food. When I came to realize that I am twenty-damn-three now, the guilt, shame and pain just paralyzed me. 8 years is basically a third of my life. A third of my life wasted on videogames that got me nowhere and junk food that made me temporarily feel better by ruining my liver! What the hell, Eduard? - you want to ask me.
And so, this is where this story begins. For years I believed I had a unique phobia of "scars" (no, the actual phobia of scars exists, it even has a name - oulinophobia, but my case was different) - I was afraid of not only just visible markings on the body, but of all negative changes that are permanent. A scar was anything that was done once and forever and that I could potentially regret. What if I got my ears pierced and in two years I would no longer want to look like a punk? How would I then fix the holes in my ears? So piercing is a scar. Tattoos are scars. Same with limb loss, tooth damage and so on. Worse yet, no, the logic of "well, you've already got a scar or two. Look at them. Feel them. Do they really feel all that bad?" doesn't work because, yes, they do indeed feel that bad. I once lost half a front tooth from a bike crash. Yes, it still makes me cry even today, even if it happened over a decade ago. Well, now imagine this: I wasted 8 years of my life. It's time! Time is priceless! One can't afford to waste it! Realizing that a third of my life is just gone, without any way to get it back, without any hope to make it right, I truly realized I have received the worst, most painful scar of my life. The scar that will never stop bleeding and with each lost second it will only bleed more.
So, question is, what's this post about? "You've understood the price of time, now you're gonna use it efficiently and achieve all your goals. It's the story we've heard countless times, nothing interesting here" - you say. Well, who do you take me for? Some sane, rational, healthy ape like any other? Hell, no! I am not letting myself live knowing the 8 fucking years of my life are just wasted on nothing!
"Well, you can't do anything about it" you say. "Time cannot be stopped or reversed" you say. "Just live in the present moment and focus on what you already have, make it your starting point" you say. Well, I say you should shut up and stop leading to the hanging rope. So, I've done some basic research on how to take back the wasted years. Well, good news - it's possible! Bad news - most people aren't smart and/or crazy enough to realize the potential. And I mean it, I told about it to several of my friends, none seem to believe me. But I need to find believers. I need to find people who will help me in my research. Those who also realized the price of time and don't want to let this scar grow. So for those who care, I write this post.
So, how do you reverse time? First, understand which time you want to reverse. My meditation has shown me that time isn't indeed linear. I bet Einstein told you that before. Which basically means that all these clocks and calendars measure absolutely nothing. Well, they do serve a purpose, they measure the duration between events from a human perspective, but we don't care about that, we care about the true nature of time. After all, you can't shorten the distance between cities by just tweaking the speedometer on your car. While it doesn't even move. Anyway, point is, if the actual, real time knows when to slow down and speed up, then there were some tools used to adjust it. What tools? We don't know and they're definitely beyond a mere human's reach. For now. Tools are needed for everything, so I don't doubt when the universe got created the time either adjusted itself naturally or was adjusted using something. But I mean, you can think that each individual rock is a tool to give a river its shape. That means that if only humanity could harness these tools, we would have the access to controlling the chronological time. In actuality, the chronological time affects nothing, isn't ever used for anything and changing it will only change the position of ink particles in the area where our passports say "Age:". It's the biological time that we want.
Humans aren't really used to counting the biological time because it flows differently for every individual - and even worse - it tends to slow down and speed up, like a moving car on the road. I found countless articles showing me the difference between people who age at different speeds while being of the same birth year. Hell, there's even an Ukrainian TV show, that has unfortunately ended, called "Honey, we're killing the kids!" where (possible just to manipulate parents' emotions into getting to action) the show runners showed parents the pictures of how their children are likely to age up to 40 using picture editing and logical predictions. In the show they showed these horrible images of poorly aged people in the beginning of an episode and by the end, if the parents did as they were told,the pictures were remade into something much healthier looking. What this tells is that your biological time is not only flexible, but has been so for more than a decade! But prolonging your life will only make it, well, longer, give you a few more years to live as a somewhat miserable old person who is much healthier than peers but still isn't young.
So, how do you reverse the biological clock? I'm a spiritual person (not religious!) so I get to have not only the achievements of biology and technology, but also the spiritual help. If you're not spiritual feel free to follow me, I'll be sure to talk about how to become more spiritual in my future posts. At the moment, even I don't know the answer. I mean, my journey has just begun. Now, if you wanna know what aging is and how it has already been reversed (!) with photo proof(!!!) go to https://novoslabs.com/reversing-aging-how-to-reverse-aging/
I also found this cute little article about cheap ways to slow down the aging and even reverse it on your skin using retinoids https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/changepower/201902/seeking-the-fountain-youth-10-tips-reverse-aging
But the main lead I have found so far is that the secret lies in mediation, somewhere where normally you don't get to have control. I personally knew a person who meditated himself into having low blood pressure, and heard of a person who could learn a large amount of material in a short amount of time using that same old meditation. I believe by reducing the amount of stress in your life you'll be able to massively slow down your aging, and once you reach this perfectly calm state of mind a new gate will open and lead you to the next step. As always, keep your diet balanced, avoid junk in your meals, exercise daily, sleep 7-8 hours a day, avoid blue light before bedtime and apply sunscreen whenever you go outside. Yes, the sunlight causes aging.
Now, I'm off to keep on studying my aging reversal until I get my beard to stop growing. It's only the beginning of my journey but if I give up, I'll just kill myself from all this weight on my shoulders caused by wasting about 3 years of my life.
Wait now. 3? Wasn't it 8 before?
That's right, I almost forgot. If you've ever searched for answers on how to reverse time and got directed to Reddit or Quora posts you probably heard stories of people who regret wasting their decades of time. Well, here's my personal tip of the day: believe it or not, but your judgment actually changes depending on your values. You see, I said I wasted 8 years of my life because for all these years I haven't really been learning anything. I mean, up to 2018 I was still composing music until I gave up on it because I could impress literally no one with it and I didn't even want to listen to my own tracks, but overall I did not get better at any new or old skill since then. If we only speak of studying, of practicing skills that could be used later on - then yes, I did waste 8 years. But I didn't. You see, I did some other things in that time. For one, I reached this level of speaking English. For two, I got into my black pilled philosophy which helped me avoid getting brainwashed by Russian propaganda. For three, I did some game modding here and there, gaining a tiny bit of random skills, such as using a specific software, getting some knowledge in game structure or meeting people who also had interest in modding these games. I helped my parents with their construction, I took care of my cat so my parents didn't have to, I did some other small things that are not on the top of my head right now. In other words, I still have wasted time, just not as much as I thought at first. Perhaps, if you think about it, maybe those 17 wasted years weren't so wasted after all? Maybe all you care about is finding a family and you blame yourself for not looking for dates all these years? Well, think about what else you did during those years. Maybe you learned a skill you don't care about, maybe you learned something about yourself, or maybe met a friend who has the potential to become your partner? My point is, you can't waste chronological time, it's all just experience mixed with occasional mental breakdowns and recoveries. Your biological time, your health, is what matters. For now keep slowing down your aging. Take good care of yourself. As I'll be looking deeper into myself and read the scientific papers I'll keep updating you on my discoveries. I do want someone to message me so we could combine our efforts into finding the secret. But as of right now, I still have homework to finish, but somewhere around mid June I'll finally be able to give most of my time just to finding the answer. We know that reversing aging is possible. We have done it before. Now it's all about getting it as accessible as possible and maintaining it for as long as we need. The concept that has been believed to be impossible has already been done. I personally believe the secret lies in never aging cancer cells, but I'm not a biologist to know for sure yet. Again, I simply need to keep looking. If you have any potential additions, some ideas on how it could potentially be done, please feel free to share. You don't have to wait with this guilt. You can undo the damage. I believe that.