Namasté dear Steemians,
thank you very much for joining me in my Chakra series 😊
I dedicated this week to this (for me) very important topic as working with my Chakras was the essential key for my self-transformation and living an authentic and free life. And I really feel the wish within me to share it with you so you might work on opening your Chakras, too to unfold your true potential! 😊
And our journey continues with...
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra)
The Throat Chakra represents the aspect of communicating who we are and expressing ourself in this life. It is the verbal bridge betwee people and the powerful tool to speak our personal truth. Expressing our feelings, spirituality, ideas and anything important to others is the key to connect, reflect on yourself and grow in a personal and spiritual way. The Vishuddha Chakra wants us to speak our truth and express ourself authentically.
Where it is located
It is located on your throat
The color of the Chakra
Light blue
What it stands for:
- Authentic expression of ourself and our feelings and soul
- Speeking our truth
- Connection to other people
- Connection to the ethereally dimension and our higher-self
- Individuality
- The ability to manifest our dreams and wishes
What a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra may cause
Life is about finding our personal truth and expressing it. It is about showing the world who we are and interact with others to learn, feel, grow and experience. The Vishuddha Chakra is our tool to live this human experience in this life and communicate who we are and what we believe in. Therefore it is essential to open it so you can speak and represent yourself in an authentic way, without fear of speaking your truth. A blocked Throat Chakra makes people feel caught within themselves, not being able to interact with the world around them in the way they could, should and want to. Make it flow again, on the other hand, will make you able to experience life in a state of learning, teaching and personally growing.
There are many reasons which can block the spin of this center such as:
- Fear of getting not accepted or not be taken serious
- Fear of rejection
- When others laughed about what you said as a child and teenager
- If nobody listened to you and so you got the feeling of not having anything important to say or having no right to express yourself
- Lying to yourself and others
- Not saying what you really mean
- Being afraid of speaking your truth
If your Throat Chakra is blocked it can cause several symptoms in a mental and physical way.
- Fear of talking to others
- Not being able to express yourself
- Feeling of loneliness
- Not trusting your intuition
- Not able to express the own needs, wishes, thoughts, ideas and points of view
- Not being able to handle being criticized
- Feeling worthless and unimportant ( "I have nothing to say and give!")
- Lying (often to seem more interesting and make others listen)
- Wearing a "mental mask" due to being scared of showing others your true self
- Low self-esteem and being extremely shy and isolated
- Judging and hating yourself for not expressing yourself and so suffer from suppressed thoughts and feelings
- Impaired speech
- Issues with your throat, mouth, neck, tongue, teeth
- Thyroid diseases
How to open your Throat Chakra
Activities that help you to express yourself and speak your truth
- Singing is perfect to open your Throat Chakra. You can also chant mantras and positive affirmations
- Spend some time alone and find your own truth. Accept it more and more, identify with it and in the end speak it out loud and be brave to have your own and unique truth
- Let go of lies, negative responses to you and what you said, the things others made you belief but which don't resonate well with your inner truth and all the things that don't match your point of view
- Talking to others and have some exciting conversations and debates helps you a lot to let the energy in your Throat Chakra flow
Healing stones
- Aquamarine
- Turquoise
- Opal
- Blue topaz
Aromatic healing:
- Camphor
- Peppermint
- Eucalyptus
- Salvia
- Sandalwood
- Incense
- Bay leaf
- Lavender
- Ripe fruits
- Juices and Smoothies
- Blue foods (which are pretty rare) like blue berries, plums, figs and blue grapes
- Soups and other liquid foods and also healthy drinks like tea which feel smooth to your throat
Special tip:
- You can watch some communication tutorial videos and practise in front of the mirror to express yourself verbally and with your gestures and facial expressions. This will feel weird at the beginning but it actually helps a lot to get more secure and express yourself in an authentic way
- Go to theathre plays and watch how the actors play their roles and what they do to make you instantly know how they feel
- Express ourself by doing art, writing poems, songs, and diaries, and other things that help to show who you are
- Listen to the people around you instead always listening to music when you're outside. You'll be surprised how much you can learn about communication and showing who you are by just listening how others do it and look what matches with you and what not
You are a unique gift to the world. Always speak out your truth to truely enrich us all. Even if people around you won't agree all the time, they'll be happy to talk to someone authentic. May you always speak your truth and inspire people with your unique essence :)
Do you have any experience in working with your Chakras? And do you feel connected to your Throat Chakra? And maybe have any tips on how to open it and let it flow?
I would love to exchange knowledge with you!
Lots of good vibes and love to you :)
yours Linda
Thank you very much for reading! :)
Part 1 (The Root Chakra)
Part 2 (The Sacral Chakra)
Part 3 (The Solar Plexus Chakra)
Part 4 (The Heart Chakra)
- My own experiences (meditation alone and in a guided group, talking to others who are experienced in this topic such as meditation teachers and shamans, reading books)
- Source 1, Source 2
Blue today finds me crossing paths with you and your beautiful works. I am going to reblog your series on the Chakra and challenge myself to paint each chakra to better voice my creativity, I think I will learn much from this series and clear out any blockages I have yet to become aware of. Thank you for your journey.
This is a painting I did in 1990 and I see now how it is a theme in my life to observe to set myself free of the web of lies that fence us in.
Allowistic Artist
Unfortunately I was ill the last days and had to stop posting due to very bad migraine. But I will continue the series today to finish it and present you the last two Chakras! :)
I hope you don't mind the long break and you can still profit from my posts! :)WOW!!! Dear @allowisticartist! Thank you so, so much for your amazing comment! It honors me so much!!
It makes me so happy and touched to see your beautiful and breathtaking artwork! Thank you so much for sharing it with me, I just really LOVE it!! It is stunning! And I appreciate it A LOT you get inspired by my posts and want to be more creative again! It is simply wonderful to read you want to care about your Chakras, do more art to connect to them and become aware of blockades to dissolve them! This is exactly why I made this series and I am so, so, so super happy it found you and you like it!
Thank you so much again for your amazing comment! It makes me feel like I am doing the right thing! Inspiring you to be creative and observe yourself to become your true self is the best reward ever to me!! :) :) :)
I would love to see more of your art! I will definately follow you! I can really feel the divine in your artwork and it enchanted me instantly! Keep on being creative, you have a WONDERFUL way to express yourself!
Thank you so much for your support!! This really means a LOT to me!
Feel hugged :)
Thank you so much! This felt so good! <3
It's wonderful how loveing and kind you are! :)
I send you positive and healing vibes and love back dear @allowisticartist :)
WOW!! Thank you so much for the video of you! This is so much more than amazing!! I can't believe how connected to the source you seem when you paint, it's just magical! Your masterpiece is just STUNNING! <3
I immediately felt in love with it! It's so psychedelic and divine!
And you send out so much light and love to the world while channeling the divine energy and creativity and paint it to the canvas! You really are an AMAZING artist my dear! This makes me feel so much better, thank you!! :)
Several years ago I was in a relationship with a man who wouldn't listen to me. I felt like I was talking and just not getting anywhere. Eventually I lost my voice. After a few weeks of having no voice my doctor sent me to a throat specialist. The specialist took a deep look into my throat and found nothing wrong. Not long after I broke up with my boyfriend and my voice returned. I feel this relationship had poor communication which blocked my throat chakra which in return caused me to lose my voice. A friend of mine complained about losing her voice for no apparent reason, I told her my story and she felt she was having problems communicating with her husband, she worked on her communication skills and now has a better relationship with her husband and hasn't had any throat problems since.
WOW!! I am speechless!! Thank you SO much for sharing your story with me! It really touches me that you tell me about your Throath Chakra blockade! What an impressive, yet painful, example on how this energy center can be blocked and no doctor knows what's going on. This is the best proof for our Chakras and the fact they can be blocked easily if the energy isn't able to flow freely. I am really happy and moved you found your voice again and told your friend about it who was also able to let go of the blockade and speak again! It is exactly comments and stories like yours why I wanted to do this series! I am so excited to read your experiences on this topic and exchange! :)
How amazing you trusted your intuition and healed yourself by letting go of what blocked you! May you be truely free and blessed by life and your amazing energy :)
Thank you so much again for sharing your story!! Really gave me the goosebumps when I read it as it touched me deep down my heart and soul! How great you and your friend found your voices again by solving the blockades!
I wish you the very best! <3My dear friend @what-is-life <3
your very welcome!
Chakras are the healing mechanisms, am I right?
If you care about your Chakras and let energy flow by letting go of blockades and negative thoughts and feelings, you can become truely free and healed :)
Every Chakra stands for another topic and emotion and is blocked by a certain feeling. If we realize our blockades and dissolve them, we can heal the deepest wounds and enfold our true potential :)Yes you are totally right my dear friend @doelist :)
I wish you the very best!
Wow, this is so nice to read! So wonderful in how many ways working with your energy centers may come into your life! :)
I wish you lots of healing and setting your energy free! :)
Keep on practicing, it's so worth it! :)
Best wishes to you!
Wow! Great and amazing post.
Thanks @endorphoenix for sharing this post.😊 💙
I am so happy you like it!! :) <3
Big hug! :-*Thank you so much my dear soul-sister @stardivine! <3