A brief explanation of the flower life

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

The Flower of Life

This is spirit science, i become a fan of them due to the knowledge they possess about this ancient sacred symbol .


I was introduced to this symbol back at 2011, while meditating i saw this vision in fractal forms. And after that i became obsessed with it. And its everywhere in my paintings and my tattoo.
Its not connected to any religion, any dogma. But it has the pattern of all life in universe. This symbols is not new but was hidden from us. It contains the secrets of our universe, im no expert in this symbol, but every time i paint or see this symbol, i discover a new path a new wisdom. Theres a lot to learn from this symbol.

Every part of the world has this ancient symbol. Some of it is inscribed in the wall like in egyptIMG_2821.PNG
In Egypt found in a structure called Osirion, this is burned like a lazer on the wall.

In the Forbidden city in china! I wonder why the lion is guarding this most ancient sacred symbol?

I hope you enjoy this brief explanation and my experience with the flower of life. I will post more in my spare time about this amazing symbol. Thank you for your time reading this. I hope you like it. Till next time Namaste🙏🏼


Excellent post. I was coloring one of these a year or so ago, and my son came up to me and said, "Why are you coloring a flower of life?" I was happy that he knew what it was. He actually briefly learned about it in a 6th grade humanities class.

Really? Wow thats great. Someday he has a tool to look into. I wish they thought this in school makes math and geometry really interesting, and connects to everthing. And as you said your sin is also painting right. Keep encouraging it. I wish i new about this when i was young. But everything happened spontaneously, everything has a right timing i guess! Thank you for your comment.

Lots of awakenings started happening around 2011-2012 It's a sign of the times. As is the building awareness and support of clean water. Where in the past there was one messiah denoting the age, now there are legion, bearing the waters of life and leading the way into the next phase of humanity.
At least that's my humble opinion. You woke up when you were supposed to.

Very true! I like your comment. Indeed it happened at a very right timing. Sometimes you just go very deep down and you just need to stand up and love yourself more before spreading the love! I followed you. Thank you so much for this message

we are legion now.. so true.. and community based concepts are proof of these new awakened people starting to gather and take control over planet earth in a new way, more equal, more honest, sharing, loving, etc... the age of aquarius has come.. and it looks fun! :)

Yes, it would have been very helpful to have learned all of these new things and concepts when we were younger and in school. That was why I was so happy that my son actually learned of it in school....Kind of cancelled out the things I wish he wouldn't learn in school! :)

Very true. But as you know even our education was rigged to condition us as law abiding slaves. But good thing people are fed up with it and the old system has to go.

I agree. I do not like the Common Core Curriculum one bit. The enlightened teachers find ways around it, though. I also see plenty of kids who just aren't going to "play the game" and go along like I did when I was in school. So, that is great. I'll be off-line for about a week. I don't want you think I am not following you and your art work! I'll catch up with you when I get back. All the best to you!

Really! I guess the education isn't ALL bad.

No. It's not all bad.

I like the post! The FoL is everywhere!

Yes my friend! Same as the phi ratio!

I find the cult of Jordan to be a little amusing but I really appreciate how he is kind of documenting his journey for everyone to see. For me they're all just theories, but pretty cool ones. Definitely a lot of love coming out of those videos.

Yeah theres definitely something in it. But i dont think its the person who explains it, but the meaning behind all this. And makes you wonder why it feels new and yet is very ancient. In my opinion geometry is a very advance form of language that we are still learning to decipher. I appreciate your feed back🙏🏼

I still haven't really connected with it deeply but I really love to see it around because the people who are interested in it all seem to be pursuing knowledge and sharing love. No problem!

@errymil - very intriguing, thanks for learning me on something new.

There a lot to discover. I would love to share more of what i learned about it. But i do not claim to be an expert, but i read books about it and my experiences are very positive, thats why i wanted to share it to the world.

For what I'm aware of, the flower of life is like a filter through which every thing we see in the earthly reality has gone through. The flower of life gives birth to everything that is on earth. It is said for example that we, as human beings, pass through the flower of life before being incarnated on Earth. Every molecule of matter goes through the flower of life... whether it's a human being or just a chair or a plant, it is manifested through the flower of life. It is like a screen between the spiritual plane and the earth plane, in which anything spiritual energy can become manifested on the physical plane in the "3D world" bound by space and time..Quite a big role it plays this sacred symbol.. I'm really fascinated by it as well.. I advise you to read the ancient secrets of the flower of life by drunvalo melkezidec if you haven't read it yet, it's THE book that explains the most accurately the esoteric meaning and purpose of the flower of life and many other stuffs...

Thank you for your input as i read the 2 volumes already. And im planning to reread it to blog about the 13 explanation of it. Im so glad that there a lot who takes interest in it in this platform. Its truly amazing. I use it for the merkaba meditation as well, thank you @xianda

oh good to know they are other people on this platform interested in these concepts, let's get connected, if you have some friends I would be interested in following, feel free to send me their name so we can support each others :) thanks

Oh sure. If you could add my wife @veravalle. And by the way all my paintings have the symbol of the flower of life as i want to spread the interest of knowing what it means. It kinda opens up the minds of those who are ready