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RE: YOU are the MOST POWER-FULL BE(i)NG .. in the Un-i-VERSE !!!

TrutH .. is tricky .. everbody is RIGHT, for them SELF !! - ))

CONTRAST .. is .. OUR friend !! - ))

ONLY when WE kNOW what is .. un-WANTED !!! - (((
.. can WE .. "CLEARLY" de"C"(iD)e .. what IS WANTED !!! - )))

The 'secret' family's, that rule the, "creators by deFAULT" - ((
.. only apPEAR .. TO BE .. "out to get US" !!! - )))

IT'S (the-iR) ACT-i-ONS .. that have CREATED .. !!! - )))

THE FER(T)ILE .. "S_oiL" !!! !!!

.. a DeeP D_ARK .. "ARE YOU SURE" ??? ???

= .. the CHOICE .. for so(me)THIN'G BE(TT)ER !!! - )))

BORN ..and.. SWORN .. to LIE !! - ((

.. so that WE "WILL" .. choose a LIFE without THEM !! - ))
.. TH_RO(U)GH .. OUR "own" DECISION .. ma-KING - ))

= WHY ?? .. are 'they' .. so OBVIOUS ?? - ))
= WHY ?? .. haven't 'they' .. won AL-READ-Y ?? - ))

= WHY ?? .. have 'they' CHOOSEN "debt" slavery ?? - ))

= WhaT ROLL ?? .. is CONTRAST ??? - )))

.. if not ... an INFINITE ""CA((TALY))ST"" ?? - ))

QUEST i ONS .. so MANY !! - ))
ha ha ))))


Yes all things have a balance. Even though there is more than the right and the left. The middle produces the status quo. While the right and the left produce new avenues. Life has a beginning and an end, that really is just another beginning. When this is understood no one fears death. Death becomes just another road. lol
