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RE: YOU are the MOST POWER-FULL BE(i)NG .. in the Un-i-VERSE !!!

ha ha .. i have HaD .. the SamE EXPerieNCE !! - ))
.. and, IT surprises me .. each TIME !! - ))

= HOW the HELL .. did .. i manage THAT aGAIN ! - ))

ha ha .. enLIGHTen(me)NT ??? - )))
.. an END-L-ESS PROcESS ???!!??? - ))

DANG IT !!! - )))

ALTHOUGH .. IT, sure "feels" GooD .. to HEAR that .. SOUND !! -))
... and, the k(NOW-IN)G .. that comes with IT !! - ))
ha ha ))))))))))))))


After the initial embarrassment as you realize you should have known better, it does feel good. The lesson for me has always been "don't lie to yourself because you will have to live in it yourself." lol

SO TRUE !!! -)))

.. and, W(HERE) DO the "lies" .. H(iD)E ?? - ))

BE-(((lie)))-FS .. are the thoughts, WE keep THIN-KING - ))

.. THE MOST POWERFUL " L(i.e.)S " !!! - )))
.. are the one's ... WE "tell" OUR SELF - ))

BE'cause ... " ... you will have to live in it yourself." - )))

.. are my BElieFS .. serving me, and, OTHERS ?? - ))
.. or, something .. LESS than THAT ?? - ((

SO MUCH .. FUN.da.MENTAL !!! - )))
...'in'.. the .. ap.PARENT !!! - )))

The hard part about truth is the breaking of the social cultural context that basically puts deceit upon a pedestal. We operate with habits and a huge part of being aware is to learn to operate aware.
