Magic is so real, you guys.
This Ascension Journal is a portal created from a pure desire to follow my highest path and fulfill my Galactic mission.
My hands are portals of Creation. Beams of light shoot out of my fingertips as I type.
All the intentions I have expressed throughout my journey on this website don't just come true, but materialize almost immediately after publishing, and in a form that is perfect for my unique frequency of growth.
I want to say I am blessed like I am lucky, but my higher Self knows this work was intentional and required a great deal of (nearly obsessive) commitment.
And so, with my heart full, warm, and in awe of its own existence, I want to send out another intention.
I FULLY commit my Self to be in service to humanity and Mama Gaia. My vision is to become the best possible healer I can be for those who seek my assistance, with emphasis on being a guide for SELF-healing. I want to show up where I am needed, a cosmic vessel, lead to where I must go.
I once again plan to cocoon my Self into solitude, to receive the downloads necessary to perform the work coming. My first healing homies (I'm still figuring out what I wanna call 'clients' lmfaooo) are flowing in my direction, the Galactics are telling me I am ready.
I am ready.
Thank you, I love you.
At times, I leave my website open and I simply send it my Love and appreciation. Grateful, Thankful for an outlet of creative expression, a co-creation in Service to both my Self and those who resonate with my work.
I want to take a moment.
To thank my readers.
My soul tribe.
Even if you never say a word to me,
I am infinitely grateful for your receiving of my energy.
Witness to this story, thank you for carrying a piece of my heart wherever you go.
We are divine reflections.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://gaiaswhisper.com/this-blog-is-a-portal/
Precioso post. Ya mañana, lunes 21 de diciembre 2020, tenemos una explosión de energía extraordinaria. Espero que la vivas al máximo. Saludos y bendiciones.
Lovely post. Tomorrow, Monday, December 21, 2020, we have an extraordinary energy explosion. I hope you live it to the fullest. Greetings and blessings.