Why Experiences?

in #spirituality7 years ago

Why Experiences?

why am I sharing my experiences, on Spiritual Path?

Modern human believes only on facts and figures provided by Maths and Modern Science, whereas Modern Science itself is not ready to answer many of the questions. Well, what I am trying to say here is, that we believe only on facts given by science, if it is not proved, it doesn’t exist, that’s how our mind has been programmed.

Few centuries ago, we (modern humans) didn’t knew if Earth was flat or round or spherical, the then scholars were abused for saying that Earth had a spherical shape. The point here is that it was believed, but because we were open to think beyond imagination, we were able to find that Earth is a sphere, in reality.

Now Earth really has a physical existence, so at some point of time, we were able to take it’s images from space, and make our belief true, that Earth is a sphere. And moreover, it is true for every human being, because it has a physical existence, and its existence is constant. The shape of Earth won’t change, if I see or you see it, it will remain same for all of us. And hence, we call it a fact.

But experiences are not like facts; I can experience different things in life, that someone else might not. And Spiritual Path is more about experiencing it, rather than having a fixed fact about it. When one person takes Spiritual path, one may have certain experiences that other may not. For certain experiences a person might take life long, whereas other may experience their true self in matter of a second whenever one sits for meditation.

Each and every human has their own way to understand their true self, and that’s why I believe that Science might never accept experiences because it only believes on fact.

"Experiences cannot be fact for everyone. It is fact only for one who experiences it." – atomicbeat