Look into the fractal mirror,
what shall you see?
Look into the fractal mirror,
who shall you be?
The world is a fractal mirror,
painful as the deep
In the image of The Fractal Giver,
the fractal is me
Look into the fractal mirror,
what shall you see?
Look into the fractal mirror,
who shall you be?
The world is a fractal mirror,
painful as the deep
In the image of The Fractal Giver,
the fractal is me
Wow...What a peom. Revealing more talents @humanearl. Lolz
Anything creative is just an outlet for me. Creativity is like blood to my veins.
@humanearl sir...
Reflection is:
Self awareness:
thinking of yourself, your experiences and your view of the world
Self improvement:
learning from experiences and wanting to improve some area of your life
putting you in control of making changes and behaving in a different way
Smart ideas...smart work....
Wel done sir...
You always share great insight. Thanks.
"In the image of The Fractal Giver,
the fractal is me"- my favorite part.
And there you go again thrilling me with those captivating photos. So much for some time away from "insanity"...
I'm such a novice at photos in my opinion. Glad you think it's thrilling Haha.
Fractals are so cool. They're everywhere in nature.
If you think you're a novice with all these, then i should prepare for the master which will be undoubtedly grand... You're good, give yourself some credit.
So beautiful photo,the amazing your post,i like,good job friend @humanearl.
Thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked it.
In this poem contains advice and suggestion.
sometimes we forget with a reflection of the soul, so lust whispers things that are negative without thinking where we come from, where we live and what is the purpose of life.
And that there is a question everyone ponders at some point. "What is the purpose of life?"
This is inspiring @humanearl, short but striking! Nice photograhical skills displayed.
I have a question for you:
Please, does steep shot truly upvote your post when you use its platform?
I think steepshot does upvote some posts but not all the time.
Such a interesting poem by @humanearl sir...
What is reflective thinking?
To think and write reflectively you have to:
You think reflectively all the time, you probably just don't realise you're doing it.
Have you ever missed the bus and then thought next time I’ll leave the house 5 minutes earlier'?
This is an example of you being reflective: you thought about an experience and decided to learn from it and do something different the next time.
As a student, and in the workplace, you will be asked to be reflective. Thinking or reflecting on the world around you, your experiences and actions will help you to develop and improve your skills.
I would consider myself a very reflective person. I'm always looking inward.
Wow! it's nice poem.....awesome photography....... @humanearl
You shared a fascinating photography .... It's really awesome ... and I liked your post very much. Waiting for the next post. Thank you.
beautiful post ,, best regards. do not forget my vote yes. thank you
Excellent photography and fascinating word in your poem really impress me. Thank @humanearl for sharing.
well its very awesome poem and wonderful snapshot @humanearl
appreciate for the attractive post and nice efforts for steemian.
its really good and keep it up man
Anything creative is a joy for me. Thanks.
Great words of wisdom.... We all need to look at our reflective self in the mirror and behold both the good and evil deeds.
We all need to retrace our steps..
True that. We become so distractive very often that we don't look in the mirror. If only we did.
wawoo @humanearl
its great stuff about nice poem and wonderful photo steeming
I love this part the most. Who shall you be?
Hopefully I will be the person God called me to be in this world.
Wonderful photography
Well buddy ,Wise words and nicely said that I have to say !
Agreed to your words !
Nice to see you hear again @rehan12! Hope you are well.
Yep buddy :) How can I not be after all i am in steemit ;)
Seems like you are doing great as well !
How is the baby girl :)
Excellent post with amazing pictures and true nature. @humanearl Your posts are always heart touching.
We can learn alot from just observing nature.
your poetry is so fascinating, Explaining with nature
Who shall you see?
This is deep, looking at our inner self with the reflection of the outer
There's more to us than what's on the surface. The key is to tap into who we really are on the inside. We can gain much insight from that.
The poem makes sense, and the more you think, the more you understand. Thank you for this photo and such a deep words.
It's all good. Just sharing what was on my mind at the time.
That's truly reflect the inner side of us beautiful shot :)
Thanks for that!
Deep thoughts. The world around us is a reflection of our soul. If you are an evil person then you will only see evil around you. If you are a good man, then you will see good. If you want war, you will get it. It all starts with thoughts. That's why if you want changes in your life - start changing your thoughts.
Interesting. I like that perspective. The key for humanity to overcome ourselves starts with dealing with what's on the inside of us.
Your photos of nature are always great, back 3 months or 4 months ago I love seeing gems from your photos... Good thing that you share again some of your nature photos.
Ahh you remembered those photos from then. Cool. I do like photos so I thought I'd share them more often. Plus it's not so much info overload.
In the image of the Fractal Giver, the fractal is me 👌🏼 loving your posts!
Much appreciated. Fractals are amazing. They are everywhere.
@humanearl, It's nice comparison of steepshot & gorgeous poem. I much like whole part of poem. It's indeed deeply meanings thoughts. Image gives me extremely deep sleepy mood and deep meditation. Vocabulary usage more powerful. I like your talented poetry. You given nice suggestion to everyone for think more.
That's a big compliment and thank you. It's a very meditative poem.
You have a nice place @humanearl, I loved nature very much. A wonderful place to relax😊
This was from our camping trip last weekend.
A great photography and a great poetry behind it! Amazing friend!
Cheers all the same to you. Hope you are well.
@humanearl - Sir I lie that poem... We have a lot to think... Moreover the photography... It's very stunning too Sir...
Cool. I hope you are doing well in life.
@humanearl, first i wanted to ask what fractal really means in this context, being that it is from latin's 'fractus' meaninf 'fraction'....but i had already fallen in love with the photography, and that was all i wanted to know.
Nature has blessed you with so many beautiful scenery. Thank you for always giving me a peep. It goes a long way
Yes fractals are basically that. In this context it deals with how God designed nature. Nature is designed this way. For example notice how that picture shows a tree. The tree starts with the trunk and then keeps splitting off in a fractal pattern or in fractions of itself. This design is self replicating.
Oh oh oh perfecta!!
I actually haven't heard the word before till you used it. This God is mysterious