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RE: I connected to my future Self next life

in #spirituality6 years ago

You know, I used to think you were female. Months ago I referred to you as "she" in a comment to atmosblack and he corrected me. After that I was really trying to sort it and for a while was still convinced you were female, but then you started writing about your Twin Flame and it was clear then that a male was talking about a female.

I do think you have a very integrated way of processing information. I strive for that same integration and equilibrium, that flow which responds as needed to each situation.

Fascinating idea of connecting with a future self.


Cool comment!

But yes, when the male and female aspect is very balanced within, then judged by the type of writings and the energy being transmitted this might influence the guesswork.

The interesting thing with the Twin Flame is that she is in a female body yet behaves and acts in a very male way (ratio, temper, while I am in a male body yet behave and act in a very female way (intuitive, calm). So we all have both energies in us, but the body doesn't necessarily say with which energy we are more aligned with and acting from.

I don't know why my dream guided me this night to make a photo and attach it to the post in the first place. I simply acted according to that dream message. :)