I love this line: "The funny thing is though, that I can see, that everyone else is also just making up reasons, but believing them to be true!"
Yes, everyone is making it all up. The question is just whether we believe our own delusions or simply allow them to pass through. And do we enjoy the process or reject it.
It's okay to be this imagination machine. We are designed to have this imagination. The trick is to not get lost in the vision and forget that we're the one who dreamed it up! Well unless it's fun to forget. But I think it's a shame when people forget and then suffer under their own delusion, as if they're the prisoner when really they're the prison's architect.
For me personally, the only reason "why" is that we came to enjoy this. Enjoy what? Maybe just the experience of enjoying that requires no object. In fact, beyond enjoying, how about celebrating?
Who is celebrating? Well maybe there is only enjoyment enjoying itself, love loving itself, celebration celebrating itself. Your 'why' and 'because' require actors and acted upon. But what if all there is is just shapeshifting verbs?
(btw, I reserve the right for none of the above to make any sense. It's late and I've been doing one online training after another for 5 days straight now!)
Thank you for your wonderful observations!
Yes, this is the question: Do we need a "why" to enjoy, or is real enjoyment without any reason? ❤️
I think the best times are when you're laughing for no reason.