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RE: Learning What it Means to Move

in #spirituality7 years ago

The body has great wisdom if we listen :)

I'm still working on things too, while I'm much more relaxed now, there are plenty of times I find myself getting caught up in things or trying to figure things out instead of just surrendering to the moment. The great thing is that now I notice it.

Balance is a great word, all through life we are told that we have dominant sides and whatnot, dominant hand, dominant eye, etc. One book I read talked about how one side of our brain is dominant, and in my meditations I notice the other side and different areas of myself "turning on" again as I explore inward, and my perception broads because of it.

I'm working on becoming a graceful mover too, watching great movers makes me think "that would be awesome!" I have some firsthand experience of the joy of feeling like you have full control and understanding of your body and all I can say is that it's incredible. It basically spurred me to dig into this stuff.

Once we have a correct perception of the world (including our bodies), healing and moving with grace becomes much easier imo, so like you said, mind has to get there first, even if healing the body helps.

Ya, keep it coming, talking through this stuff is really helpful and one thing that is really rewarding about blogging