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RE: My Dream Blog: Revelation In a Story

in #spirituality8 years ago

Thanks for the fees back I really like your take on it. I have not thought about it in that perspective. I would say the reason that society lost the leisure states they used to enjoy was because that's all they had so they were not necessarily choosing it. And as alternatives came up they simply chose the new thing without realizing the future consequences. But I believe we live in a day and age where we can now intentionally choose our own paths


I think many creation/origin myths do examine or postulate the entrance of misery and conflict in this world. The "Fall" story in the three major monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) relate to man choosing to essentially reject the garden given. I think the Sumerians had a myth about the gods giving a choice of living in cities/civilization with the caveat that man also must accept war and inequality along with art, music, and luxuries. Even the Nietzchean sci-fi movie "Matrix" had man reject the paradise of the first AI simulation. Maybe misery is inherent in man's existence.