Awakening, False Light, and the Four Strategies of the Dark Side Employed in the Enslavement of Humanity

in #spirituality6 months ago (edited)

map of consciousness 2.0.png

(Full text of the book, The Map of Consciousness Explained by Dr. David R. Hawkins, is also archived & available online as PDF...)

“He who would distinguish the true from the false must have an adequate idea of what is true and false.” - Baruch Spinoza

In this time of mass awakening upon our planet – rife with chaos, darkness, and division – most everyone would acknowledge that society at large is collectively walking upon a highly destructive path leading us nowhere good really fast. Most would surely also acknowledge that real and radical change of some type is needed to correct humanity's wayward course, in order to avert even greater disaster than that which is already being witnessed across the planet. Everyone can see this, and yet there is much disagreement over what the proper solutions to these many obvious problems actually are, how it is that humanity should collectively proceed, and what the proper way forward should be in order to realize the brighter future the vast majority of us seek.

This causes much division and confusion, which is now being witnessed and which is amplified further by societal constructs of control – particularly the controlled Media – that feed into and off of this energy, for a divided and confused people are a dis-empowered people. And dis-empowered people are easily controlled and manipulated people, people who are readily enslaved by those dark forces on our planet which would keep humanity in a state of perpetual oppression for their own selfish purposes.

Fewer, but still a great many there are, who are beginning to recognize that a vast majority of the societal constructs long trusted and revered as the positive pillars of society – from organized religious and educational institutions to corporate and government organizations of all kinds – are corrupt to the core and not quite the friend of humanity they all claim to be, but rather are our enslavers. Large portions of humanity are fast awakening to the realization that these establishments which have long claimed to have humanity's best interests at heart are in fact actively working against those best interests in contravention of the very outcomes and ideals which they all claim to stand and fight for. It is no longer a fringe minority which sees that humanity's heroes of yesteryear are in fact the villains of the present. Nor is it any longer a secret that these corrupt systems of planetary control are one of the largest contributing factors to the needless suffering, oppression, disparity, and senseless wars and conflicts being perpetuated upon Planet Earth.

Awakening, false Light, and the root of all darkness, the 'devil' within the mind of Man

"The reason people awaken is because they have finally stopped agreeing to things that insult their soul."

In such a chaotic and divisive global landscape as this, especially in this modern information age, confusion is naturally running rampant, and false light abounds. There is no shortage of countless varying and contradictory thought constructs and belief systems all at once vying for our attention and allegiance, with dark forces masquerading as beacons of light popping up everywhere one looks. These various servants of the false light are ever seeking to pull awakening human souls back into the matrix of enslavement from which humanity is collectively awakening out of in this unprecedented time of great awakening, whether intentionally so or merely as unconscious pawns of the dark forces which such ones are being manipulated by.

This matrix of control from which we as the human race must break free if we are to collectively progress forward in a positive direction, is characterized by what we might call the slave frequency. This is an energetic set of low-level frequencies at which a being is highly susceptible to both mind-control and emotional manipulation of all kinds, not to mention also being highly weakening and therefore making one far more open and susceptible to bodily disease.

One who is stuck in such a dis-empowering state and who is operating from this frequency is easily enslaved in all manner of ways and by various methods. Such states of mind and states of being are always characterized by fear, and one cannot rise above the frequency of fear until first overcoming the fear of death. Fearless beings are impossible to enslave, and fearless slaves do not remain slaves for long. Harriet Tubman is a perfect historical example demonstrating this, and her fearlessness led to her ability to successfully lead hundreds of additional slaves besides herself to freedom along the 'underground railroad.'

This truth long handed down in so many of the various ancient traditions is captured well in the Christian Bible, where it is written that Christ incarnated on earth in order to “destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” Fear is the ultimate slavery and fear of death the ultimate human fear. That the fear of death is the root of all human fears can be confirmed directly through experience as one treads the inner path out of the realm of fear and into the realm of love, and has also been confirmed by the work of Dr. David Hawkins, writing in Power vs. Force that this “particular fear underlies all others.”

In order for humanity to free herself from these dark forces largely controlling the planet, and thus finally realize the peace and freedom we all seek, we must first understand how the Dark Side operates; for the negative path has only a limited number of tools, tactics and strategies at its disposal. And until we can clearly recognize these and understand how they are weaponized against us, we are bound to be led astray, for the Dark Side is ever so sly and crafty indeed. It is just as the old saying goes, the devil comes clothed as an angel of light, as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, as a venomous snake disguised at first as a harmless dove.

“For even Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” - Apostle Paul

And while it is true indeed that the proverbial devil often appears to us clothed as an angel of light, it is equally true that false light is readily distinguished from true light by those who know how to recognize the difference. Those who have come to understand the underlying nature of light and darkness, along with the often fine and subtle differences that differentiate these, are thus able to more easily spot the difference between true light and darkness manifesting as false light. Light is associated with love, power, unity/oneness, the path of service to others, and the positive polarity; whereas darkness is associated with fear, force, separation/division, the path of service to self, and the negative polarity. Light is inherently expansive, whereas darkness is suffocating and constricting, with the deeper the darkness but a stronger reduction of light.

Indeed, unlike the light which is limitless, dark forces of any and every kind, whether visible or invisible to the naked eye, and whether operating within our minds or externally upon the world stage, have only a limited arsenal of weaponry at their disposal. And though the material weapons utilized by the dark forces now present on the earth may appear to change over time, as with the various cults of death and bloody sacrifice which have operated on our planet for centuries, the underlying tactics and strategies by which these material forms of destruction and enslavement are utilized and unleashed upon humanity remain always the same. Fear is the most powerful of these weapons, alongside deception.

Acquainting oneself with these limited tactics and strategies of the Dark Side is therefore of the utmost importance for any and all who wish to aid in the liberation of humanity from the clutches of these dark and oppressive forces wreaking havoc both upon the collective mind of Man and our beautiful planet alike. And while society would have us believe that the sources of darkness and suffering observed in our world are external 'bad guys' – some villain outside of ourselves which we are indoctrinated into seeing as the 'other' who is 'dangerous' and threatening' – the truth is that the source of all darkness and suffering lies within us, in our very own minds.

This state of inner darkness from which a true spiritual path will always serve to liberate one from, can be best described as fear or separation consciousness. Consequently, the source of our own inner darkness is the very same source of the external darkness we see all around us, as the world is but a mirror, reflecting our own state of consciousness back to us, individually and collectively.

This inner source of darkness is probably most widely known as the ego, the voice of fear that lives within our minds, variously known as the 'monkey mind', the 'reptilian brain' and the 'knowledge of good and evil operating system'. Whatever one chooses to call it, it is but a mental program within our minds and not the mind itself, and it is the source of all our fears, the false belief in separation, and all mental suffering, holding our minds hostage in a state of separation consciousness until it is at last transcended. It is but the false self we come to identify ourselves as, but in truth are not. There are a number of theories as to why and how this program came to be lodged within the human mind, but it nevertheless operates just the same regardless of the reason(s) for its existence there.

It accomplishes its work primarily through false identification, which occurs when one takes this mental programming to be the mind itself and then falsely identifies oneself as their ego, as a body-mind rather than the soul-spirit which we truly are. It does this by convincing an individual that “I am the body,” when the truth is actually that we as spiritual beings upon the planet rather have a body.

For we are all fractals of light, pieces of God, expressions of the one universal consciousness in which, one and all, “we live and move and have our being.” This ego programming is a complex web of fear-based thought processes, false mental constructs and limited belief systems, consisting of that inner voice of fear and its countless thought constructs and beliefs systems created to reinforce that one original and foundational fear of death. In esoteric Christian traditions, the ego and its many thoughts are called 'the devil and his angels', in which this program is also referred to as 'the flesh', among other things.

Dr. Wayne Dyer did a wonderful job of laying out the six foundational lies of the ego that underlie the entire convoluted construct of our false self, which can be heard in the short video below.

True light, on the other hand, is always a reflection of love and truth; and one whose feet are firmly planted upon the path of light, the positive path of service to others, is one who is ever reaching towards unconditional love and moving increasingly into oneness or unity consciousness. It is here where one begins to increasingly see the divine love-light within themselves equally in all others and indeed in All That Is. One begins to realize that as an individual, they are a wave in the ocean of consciousness, and are no more separate from the totality of life than an individual wave is separate from the sea.

Whereas the darkness of fear arises in the mind through mental programming and is always associated with force, the light of love arises from the heart and is always associated with true power. This is why meditation is such a powerful spiritual practice, because one must quiet the chattery mental voice of the ego in order to hear that “still small voice” of truth which speaks from the heart, through our intuition.

Society generally goes to great lengths to present force – violence, anger, pride, greed, etc. – which is energetic weakness, as strength; and to present the highest expressions of true power – unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, etc. – as weaknesses. But as Dr. David Hawkins demonstrated with his research through clinical and scientific methodology, power is strong and force is weak, regardless of our misconceptions. And that which is strong always ultimately prevails against that which is weak. So it is that truth will always prevail over falsehood, love will always triumph over fear, and nonviolent peacemakers empowered from within will always ultimately prevail against the forces of violence on the earth, no matter how big and well-armed the enemy's army may be.

One cannot properly liberate their minds from mental bondage, find inner healing, transcend mental suffering, or reach a state of inner peace, until that one first recognizes the way by which the 'devil' within us has enslaved and oppresses us in so many ways, shapes and forms, and to varying degrees. In the same way, humanity cannot collectively liberate herself from her material chains of bondage; nor will collective peace, healing, and the end of the insanity of rampant human-caused planetary suffering arrive, until we first collectively recognize the means by which these institutionalized forces of darkness control the planet through the enslavement of humanity.

Due to the sheer amount of distractions, distortions, confusion and division present in the world today, it is all the more important for those of us alive at this time to familiarize ourselves with these tactics and strategies. Many there are in the world today who erroneously think they are awake, simply because they have experienced the first phase of a multi-phased awakening process. And because of this false though entirely natural perception – a result of pride which is itself still an energetic extension of the ego-run world of darkness – many awakening souls are being corralled by malevolent forces of false light, right back into the very prison of darkness they had just begun to start liberating themselves from.

To quote Sarah Ekhaldy, in The False Light Deception, “The characteristics of this false light are extreme polarization, extreme fragmentation, inversion of truth, ego, worship, and a militant form of hierarchy.”

In other words, exactly the themes we see playing out so intensely on the world stage today, with extreme polarization and inversion of truth especially prominent just about everywhere one looks it would seem.

False light and false awakenings of every kind are currently prolific and are manifesting in numerous varied forms upon the earth, and they will continue to proliferate and shape-shift as humanity continues to collectively awaken. For this is the means by which the dark forces enslaving us respond to a human race on the verge of its final liberation from those chains which have held her in bondage for ages.

It is for this reason that it is an incredibly inefficient use of our energy to attempt to expose the countless examples of this great inversion of truth and light, one by one, when we can simply acquaint ourselves with the underlying tactics and strategies being utilized in every single such case. In doing so, we are highlighting the means by which any of us, regardless of how spiritually developed we may or may not be, can begin to recognize the dark forces controlling our planet in all of their many forms, including those of false light.

By doing so, we can effectively save ourselves much time which would otherwise be lost to diversions which are designed to steer us off of the true path to freedom, peace, and total liberation from the prison of fear which has held humanity in bondage for so long.

‘Know thy enemy’: Acquainting ourselves with the Dark Side’s limited arsenal of weaponry

“Fear is the path to the dark side.” - Master Yoda, in Star Wars

In stark contrast to the power of light and love, the forces of darkness, having cut themselves off from the only one universal source of all all life and power - the love and light flowing through all life that binds all living beings together as one cosmic family - have only one means of gaining and increasing their power; and that is through the theft of the life energy of other beings, the stealing of their light. And just as Jesus taught, when he said, “You are the light of the world,” so it is that humanity, one and all, is the light of this world here on Planet Earth. The dark forces upon this earth, then, can only remain empowered by enslaving humanity and thus feeding off of our energy; with the only endgame for these malevolent forces being the complete and total enslavement of humanity, or “full spectrum dominance” of the planet and all life on it.

So it is that anyone, anywhere, anytime, who seeks to violate the free will of another in any way, shape or form, is at best but a pawn for the Dark Side in its global chess game being played for total domination over the earth. Free will is the ultimate gift of our Creator, and Love never seeks to control another being in any way. Where fear seeks to control by manipulating and coercing people into making desired decisions, love simply offers guidance to others. This is one simple way to distinguish between the true light and the false light, between those serving the light and those serving the darkness.

Furthermore, it is my understanding that there are only four underlying strategies by which the darkness operates to achieve this single overarching goal, under which every plot and scheme it hatches, and every plan and maneuver it makes will thus fall under.

The 4 Strategies of the Dark Side

These are: First and foremost, the weaponizing of fear; secondly, the creating of hierarchies of control, most often pyramid-structured by design; thirdly, the manipulation of light; and fourth, the manipulation of human weaknesses.

For a recommended video discussion on these four strategies in a Law of One context, see the following video by spiritual teacher Aaron Abke, which also includes an amazing breakdown of just how strong of a hold the planetary control structures employing these methods of enslavement have upon western society:

  1. Weaponization of fear

Not only is fear the path to the dark side, it is also the dark side's most powerful weapon, with the weaponizing of fear being the primary means of humanity's enslavement. Deception, coercion, and instilling of victim consciousness in those targeted for enslavement are all employed when the weaponizing of fear is in play. In order to be put into and kept in a state of fear, one must first be convinced that they are the victim of a dangerous, threatening world from which the negative entities seeking to enslave that one can then 'protect' the 'victim' from.

One blatantly obvious example of this strategy seen playing out on the world stage in recent times was with the COVID Plandemic, during which time the virus was portrayed as the terrifying, all-powerful and exceedingly dangerous enemy threatening humanity's very survival. The people of the earth were then made out to be the helpless victims of this ominous threat, deception was heavily employed to manufacture insane levels of fear in the populace, and coercion quickly became the name of the game as entire societies were locked down, and their people turned into subjects of unprecedented tyranny overnight.

When large swaths of humanity began to see through the blatant lies being sold to them, resist the coercion, overcome the manufactured fear which was crippling humanity, and to engage in noncompliance with the dehumanizing insanity, the media even went so far as to outright state that this newfound loss of fear was the problem! One particularly revealing headline featured below, underscored the true agenda of this elaborate psychological operation not to be the protection of humanity, but rather the instillation of a paralyzing fear into the hearts and minds of the people.

Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 10-35-00 Covid1984 It’s Always Been About Fear NOT Health & Safety PeakD.png

During this current presidential election cycle here in America, the weaponizing of fear is perhaps seen most clearly in the way in which followers on both political 'sides' have been propagandized into believing that the leader of the opposing 'side' is a depraved monster depicted as the most dangerous threat to us. And who, if they win the election, will utterly destroy our country, our people, and all we have ever held dear, with dreadfully catastrophic results. This fear is rampant in voters on both 'sides' of the political aisle, and evident from several conversations I have had and countless comments I have seen across social media in recent weeks. Such people as these have such an intense fear of the imagined results of a political win by the 'opposition – the one they perceive to be the monstrous 'bad guy' or gal, depending on which party or side one identifies with – that a great many of those who will be voting in this election openly acknowledge that they are not voting for a candidate they actually love and support, but rather against a candidate whom they fear. This is nothing new in US politics, but it is becoming more pronounced than ever before.

In organized religion, fear has long been weaponized by leaders of the various religious institutions in order to control and manipulate its followers. One of the most prominent examples of this being the threat of eternal punishment in the afterlife in the dreaded fires of hell for all those who dare to leave the narrow confines established by the cult.

Not long ago, such religious outcasts, dissidents, and 'heretics' who dared question the dogmas handed down to them – including many great saints and mystics – were subject to torture and even death sentences at the hands of such “tyrants of the church,” as Michael Servetus called such misguided religious zealots. He was himself ultimately burned at the stake by the Protestant Church for his particular brand of heresy at the behest of the famous reformer preacher John Calvin. All of the great religions of the world teach love, however. And as the same Bible used by religious leaders to weaponize fear through the threat of eternal damnation also teaches, “perfect love casts out all fear,” clearly illuminating the hypocrisy of such leaders who both preach love and weaponize fear from the very same pulpits.

  • 2 . Creation of Hierarchies of Control

This manifestation of darkness is seen widely across the planet in various religious, societal, political, military, corporate and government organizations, institutions, constructs and systems; whereby the few among the ruling class at the top of the pyramid structures influence, rule over and control the masses who are kept at the bottom.

The classic Divide & Conquer tactic long utilized by dictators and tyrannical governments around the world is one of the most widely deployed methods of enslavement inherent to this strategy. This is the strategy by which the highly polarizing ‘Us vs. Them’ mentalities are bred and disseminated, which would hardly be successful if at first humanity was not severely dazed and weakened through the weaponizing of fear already being used against her. People are divided into opposing groups and then pitted against one another, while the dark forces enslaving them can then simply sit back and watch as humanity, now divided and fighting one another, largely serves to enslave and destroy itself.

This strategy is seen playing out on the world stage in the American political establishment, where the two 'sides' of the two-party political paradigm, both serving the same forces of darkness operating at the very top of the pyramid-structured hierarchy of control, are pitted against one another and framed as bitter enemies. In this way, the establishment itself continues marching forward along its negative path of domination, largely unopposed by the very people being enslaved in the process, for the people are too distracted by the manufactured division which all too many unwittingly play right into.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 09-24-26 The Two Party Illusion & Legalized Corruption in America PeakD.png

This is also seen in religion, with one organized religion pitted against another, and even with opposing sects of the very same religion in conflict with each other. It was seen in the days of segregation, when whites and blacks were separated 'for the greater good', and in the reign of Hitler when Jews and Germans were divided against one another, also in the name of 'the higher good'. Black vs. white, Jew vs. Arab, Christian vs. Muslim, right vs. left, democrat vs. republican, Israel vs. Hamas, socialism vs. capitalism, 'democracy' vs. 'communism', and so many other such false dichotomies are the ways by which the forces of darkness have for so long and continue to this day to enslave humanity through hierarchies of control utilizing the divide and conquer tactic.

We can see this playing out today in so many different ways, and one manifestation I have noticed most recently is a growing trend among large ‘alternative news’ networks and social media personalities to collectively blame the ‘Jews’ alone for all of the world’s problems, depicting Jews as the one single force of darkness upon our planet. This is insanity, for even if one believes Zionism alone is the ultimate highest order of darkness upon the planet, there are still millions of peace-loving, non-supremacist Jews speaking out against Zionist apartheid, Jewish supremacism in Israel, Israeli war on Gaza, and US/Israeli imperialism. Narrow-minded worldviews such as this only serve to further fuel the fear, division and hatred which the forces of darkness continue to feed upon, and do absolutely nothing to reign in the actual evil that such ones think to be exposing and fighting…

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Fear, nationalism, supremacy in its many forms, demonizing and dehumanization of the 'other', and great evils carried out in the name of the greater good are all integral ingredients of this mechanism of planetary control and human enslavement, with deadly wars and genocide often the result. In all such cases, the forces of darkness behind these conflicts are further empowered and humanity pays the price for her willing subjugation to these soul-sucking hierarchies of planetary control.

Such hierarchies of control are simply an expression of the negative path seeking to gain and increase power through the enslavement of others, and have absolutely nothing to do with the 'equality', 'freedom', 'greater good' or 'democracy' they most often falsely claim to stand for.

On the other hand, groups and organizations formed by those on the positive path operate in a radically different way, arising organically at the grassroots level, often without any formal leadership at all, and always through voluntary association as opposed to coercion or manipulation of any kind. Where there are leaders operating under these positive paradigms, they lead by example rather than through force, and do not seek to control or increase their power over other members of the group, all of whom are seen as equals to themselves. Examples of such positively empowered organizations would include Alcoholics Anonymous and the Quakers, among many others.

  • 3 . Manipulation of Light

The manipulation of light is a key strategy aimed at weakening and subverting the higher goals and good intentions of those among humanity who have resisted the more blatant attacks of the enemy.

The dark side employs this subversive strategy through the weaponization of wisdom and the intellect against humanity, manipulating the powerful energy of reason and using the naivety of well-intentioned, less-advanced beings of light against them, with the aim of pulling them right back into the ego-fueled trappings of darkness. It does this primarily through understanding the workings of the human psyche better than most humans know themselves, and then weaponizing the human mind, specifically the intellect associated with left-brain thinking, against us.

This is done with the aim of keeping the target disconnected from their heart, their intuition, and preventing the powerful balance between the masculine left-brain intellect and feminine right-brain intuitive creativity; a connection which, if at all strengthened, is a sure defense against this wide-scale manipulation seen in play across the planet. In many cases, this strategy is achieved with great success, and highlights the importance of mastering one’s own minds and becoming intimately acquainted with one’s own inner workings before becoming too actively involved in bigger movements with the aim of creating positive change in the world outside of ourselves.

This is also where false light comes strongly into play, as the goal here is to manipulate and coerce those who are genuinely seeking to better our world into taking seemingly positive action in a way that actually works against such betterment. This is accomplished by steering those walking the positive path back onto the negative path without the targets even being aware of it. Grassroots organizations are infiltrated, and members convinced that the best way to work towards peace and fight corruption is through 'lesser' or 'righteous' violence and corruption. Those standing against institutionalized corruption are manipulated into 'fighting' the corruption in a way that actually only continues to fuel it. Angry protesters are easily turned into rioting mobs in the face of police brutality, but such civil unrest only fuels the very cycle of violence and oppression the protesters initially struck out in demonstration against.

Those who fall prey to this strategy of enslavement have often first fallen for the falsehood so prevalent throughout society, that 'the end justifies the means'. Anger, desire, pride and the various emotions associated with these energy fields must all be passed through along the inner path to freedom from the prison of fear we collectively find ourselves in; but until such ones are at least firmly rooted in courage, external forms of resistance against tyranny and injustice are futile, as there is no darkness which can cast out an even greater or deeper darkness.

Such attempts at creating positive change borne of darkness may on the surface or in the short-term appear to succeed – as an organization run by or activism fueled by pride is indeed more powerful and seemingly far better than those run by fear – but only that which is of the true light can ultimately succeed in the task of liberating humanity from the chains of darkness which have long bound her. Ultimately, only love can dissolve negativity and complete the transformation of darkness into light.

It is true that what one resists persists, and that which we fight against we strengthen. We cannot drive out the darkness by screaming at it to leave, protesting it, or waging a holy war against it, just as punishment will never be a real solution to the problem of crime. Rather, darkness is driven out by those who simply shine their light, by those who instead of pouring their energy into an unwinnable fight against darkness simply light candles wherever they go. So Eleanor Roosevelt rightly said that, “It is better to light one small candle than curse the darkness,” and, as Saint Francis of Assisi wisely observed, “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”

So it is that one who has peace in their heart and compassionately feeds the homeless behind the scenes is dealing a much stronger blow to the dark forces operating on this planet than a whole crowd of angry protesters whose hearts are filled with hatred of the injustice and the perpetrators of the injustice they have taken to the streets to protest.

  • 4 . Manipulation of Human Weakness

The last primary strategy used by the dark side in its bid to enslave the planet is the manipulation of the weaknesses of any and all of us, including all those firmly treading upon the positive path of service to others, and who are thus naturally resistant to the first three tactics. It carries out this strategy by playing on the weaknesses of anyone whose consciousness is not yet 100% rooted in love, which is the vast majority of us – anyone who is not yet fully liberated from the last vestiges of fear, anyone who is not yet absolutely, totally, 100% fearless. According to Dr. David Hawkins, as of 2012, “only 4.0 percent of the world’s population calibrates at an energy field of 500 (love) and over,” though this number is certainly rising as humanity has been fast awakening in the years between then and now, and especially since 2020.

Reason is a most powerful energy field to be operating from, and a little more reason in this world of insanity would do much good for humanity and our planet alike. But at the same time, despite being far above the frequencies of darkness holding the human mind in its prison of fear, reason also acts as the final barrier to the divine energy of love and the purest frequencies of light beyond it, and it is a barrier that most human minds struggle to ever pass through. Even those who are operating from reason, then, are still susceptible to this most subtle strategy employed by the forces of darkness operating on the earth.

This manipulation of weakness could come in the way of threats to one’s life or those they love, blackmail attempts where previous misdeeds are leveraged against the target, threats to one’s job or financial security, and the like. On the other hand, these manipulations of our weaknesses can also be much more subtle and come in the form of unseen spiritual and energetic attacks; the manifestations of which could be observed in sickness or disease, old negative thought patterns from which the targets' mind is not yet quite free from appearing to ‘come out of nowhere’ with a vengeance to torment them with great fury, and other such things.

Until we reach the point at which we are totally fearless and have nothing but love and compassion in our hearts for all living beings – even those who have made themselves out to be our enemies – we are susceptible to this last and final strategy of those fighting tooth and nail to prevent the dawning of a new age of love and light which is now fast approaching. The new paradigms that are now rising to replace the old paradigms of control and enslavement will ultimately topple the global empire of lies by which for so long dark forces have controlled the planet, and manipulation of our weaknesses is their final defense against this inevitable outcome. And though inevitable, they can certainly hinder and slow the process of their own ultimate demise. So it is that as long as we have any imbalances within us that have not been fully healed, we are not immune to such attacks, though we can still resist them, again highlighting the importance of prioritizing inner work over external activism.


As humanity continues to awaken, so will false light continue to spread far and wide, and it is up to us both as individuals and collectively to become increasingly aware of the various manifestations of this false light so that we do not fall prey to them. The more adept we become at separating the true from the false amid all of the widespread confusion that is currently so prevalent in the world, the more readily will we be able to differentiate the true light from the false light in its many forms. At the same time, the more obvious it will also become that the vast majority of this world's institutions are but false light structures that no longer serve the best interests of humanity, at least not the vast swaths of humanity who seek peace, freedom, equality and empowerment over the endless oppression and perpetual violent cycles of our past.

“In its most physical form, the false light manifests as parasitic institutions that try to keep humanity from evolving by telling us that they are controlling us for our own good. These institutions impose their belief systems as trying to save us from ourselves. They keep humanity locked within a certain bandwidth of frequency that we can call the slave frequency. It is a frequency of disempowerment, a frequency that resonates as well with our doom imprint. This frequency sustains itself by injecting fear and confusion into the masses.” - Sarah Ekhaldy, The False Light Deception: What is the False Light?

Fear and confusion is certainly the name of the game in our world today. For we are living in a time of false light rising. A time of awakening. A time of facing the darkness that has held us in bondage for ages, that we might finally heal our collective shadow, transforming the darkness as we step into the light. Not the false light in its countless forms being sold to the masses, but the true light, the light of life that will finally set humanity free.

And with that, I will leave readers with a powerful short animated film, IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey, a creative no-holds-barred look into the deep darkness and the insane world we have created for ourselves. Because until we recognize our insanity for what it truly is, we cannot escape it.

“Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of our modern times, and with courage face the Shadow. Through Shadow into Light.”


Excellently expressed Jason.

Reblogged & promoted on ecency for 1 week and shared on twitter.

Peace & Love brother

Thanks brother, appreciate it!

Very interesting page you got here! Glad I found another truther!

Also you have close to 1 million PAY tokens, mind staking that? Your choice.

Bravo for the excellent clarity with which you elucidate what is unfolding in this Great Awakening of humanity. God do I want to see much more of this on Hive, as it is so essential to see and understand. Thank you deeply for putting so much brilliance into one post! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


What an amazing post! I have yet to finish reading it, but wanted to discuss this bit without delay.

"...there is much disagreement over what the proper solutions to these many obvious problems actually are, how it is that humanity should collectively proceed, and what the proper way forward should be in order to realize the brighter future the vast majority of us seek."

First, each and every one of us must themselves determine what is right for them. There is no collective truth. There is only individual understanding, even if someone believes they know what is 'The Truth' they have no right nor ability to compel anyone else to believe what they do. Second, this absolutely means that there are many different ways forward that are right - as many as there are people. No two people share an identical view of the world. What each of us views as 'problems' others will view as solutions, and vice versa. There is no one proper way forward, and whatever future you view as bright will be someone else's hellish dystopia.

Humanity will NOT collectively proceed, or it will do so over my dead body. I bet anyone that tries to force you into a collective progression will meet with that same dissent and opposition from you. This is going to be true no matter how much concordance you may have with whatever collective is being imposed, because you will have divergent beliefs you have a perfect right to, and no one has any right to force you to believe any specific thing. Any specific collective progress is the tyrannical totalitarian hellish dystopia each and everyone of us will fight to the death to prevent.

I dare anyone to try to disprove this statement, because no matter what is proposed as THE way for everyone by anyone, everyone else will dissent from some specific details. There may be general agreement as to broad directions by certain demographics, but they will not be universal, and anyone that tried to force everyone to accept any beliefs will be rightfully opposed, and I bet you'd be first on the hill to defend your specific freedom to believe what you believe.


I very much agree that we humans will never see truth in an identical matter to others, and also that the globalist plan for the collective is antithetical to truth, freedom and love, and that we must resist this plan. However, I also believe we can most certainly collectively move forward in a positive direction, if we do so voluntarily, and not by means of force or coercion. In fact, much power is derived by humans working together voluntarily as a collective, and this power is only diminished when so-called collective progress is brought about through force as opposed to voluntarily by humans coming together in unity out of love and appreciation for one another.

As long as we seek to enable very broad values we can agree. It is blatantly obvious that with increasing specificity of goals, increasing sectarianism, dissent, and the spectre of force inevitably rears it's ugly head. We can work together to enable freedom, but we are not all going to work together to enable freedom to consume what we choose, or to publish the speech we choose. Even at this extremely broad level of detail violent opposition arises, and instead of working together to achieve those things, we will devolve into violent opposition.

At least, this is what I see in the annals of history, as impacted by populist leaders, politicians, and powerful overlords.

The annals of history are relevant in this respect if we use the same methods used at that time, i think (as well as being relevant so we know what not to do).

"...if we use the same methods..."

We'll be using the same people, and that's the real issue.

We can collectively proceed without force can we not? Those who freely choose to can anyway.

Sure! I'm sure you're aware that the further we proceed on a specific path, the more individuals diverge. As long as the direction folks proceed in doesn't prescribe specifics, then such individual divergence won't disrupt the procession - but the further folks proceed the more specifics they proceed to encounter. Whatever process you choose, this will be nature of it's procession. When we're talking about global direction, do you really expect the pathological narcissists running things to decline to force compliance? I don't. I am sure as shootin' we'll be forced to comply with the Great Reset of our money into their pockets.

So, we can collectively agree to head in the opposite direction. We certainly do agree that our money should stay in our wallets, right? So, then that's not going to do much, though. We need to take actual action in response to policies that take our money, such as carbon taxes, which are being imposed already. Now we get to specifics. This is where we can't proceed as a collective anymore, because some people are going to advocate going all Luigi Mangione, some people are going to advocate lying on tax forms, some people are going to decline to do either of those things, and that's just the beginning. The divergence of individuals from collectives only increases as collectives implement specific actions, as the specificity of action increases.

I would very much like to have a voice, or preferably a video call with you brother, to discuss this matter. For me to attempt to explain and answer questions in writing is challenging for me.

Posted via

I don't even have a device with a camera that can connect to the internet, because that is the only way I can be certain my camera can't be used by creepy stalkers to spy on me. Nothing I can connect to the internet has a microphone either, for the same reason.

I also find that putting my thoughts into writing forces me to refine them, to, in fact, fully understand what I actually think about things. Speaking allows me to glibly prattle, and all too often I say things I really don't believe or support, because I am not forced to carefully express things in writing.

Anyway, this appears to be the best way we're going to have anytime soon to communicate, although we are able to write back and forth on other venues, if you'd prefer.

Maybe i'll record voice message then & send to you on the other side & you can write back.

Have you thought about transcribing such recordings? Referring to text to ensure accuracy and relevance of reply is, for me at least, probably quicker and easier than replaying audio or video. Whatever works best for you is probably fine for me, however. I deeply appreciate your beneficial intentions I find practically inspired. Such dedication to benevolence is certainly inspiring, anyway.

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