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RE: The joyful life of a voluntary obscure scholar

in #spirituality3 years ago

Brother! I have the Shurangama Sutra 楞嚴經 in my possession! I got it given to me freely by the Hwazan Organization in Taiwan, who offer free Dharma Materials.

Do you read the Shurangama often? It is an excellent book of wisdom, very scientific as well as spiritual. See how most of the things spoken about consciousness, of the reality of the creation of the physical realm, of the six senses, everything the Buddha spoke of in that Sutra is now only being discovered slowly through modern "science"?

Subjects like psychology, collective unconciousness, quantum physics, biology, and all such major topics, are all spoken about in the Sutra.

This Sutra has a long history. The ancient indian monks sacrficed their lives to get this Sutra into China, on the penalty of death, as the Shurangama Sutra was a prized possesion of the ancient indian kings.

The famed Chan monk, Empty Cloud, Xu Yun, lived the Shurangama Way. Have you read his biography?


Yes. the Shurangama Sutra is the one that I'll get along to the death. I read some books regarding the great monks(虛雲, 印光). Especially enjoy books written by Nan Huai-Chin. Thanks.

Excellent excellent! The Shurangama one of my favourites too! But I mostly read the Pure Land texts, from masters like 曇鸞, 善導, 蓮池, 蕅益 (his analect on the Amitabha Sutra is EXCELLENT) and 印光, who is my favourite. If you ever get the chance, you must get a hold of 印光大師文鈔, it comes in an entire set of like 9 books. Can get them from here for free: (印光大師文鈔全集)


Take care!