Healing Emotional Wounds

in #spirituality8 years ago

Healing Emotional Wounds

http://warfarefire.tk/2017/03/13/healing/ http://www.kanaanministries.org/

note: I will be editing and adding my thoughts from work derived from this ministry.

This teaching is more for people who have done a lot of spiritual work. They have been believing and praying for YEARS. They have fasted. They’ve called out to God. They worship God. They genuinely love God but the problem is still there. There seems to still be something missing why after all this time the problem still will not go away. There are still things you haven’t prayed. There are still things you haven’t fasted about. There are still things you haven’t done. There are still changes you need to make.

Recognize this, not every problem is the same. Some have not even done any ground work in their life yet. Some have been believing in Jesus but they didn’t do anything else besides just believe. It takes more than just believing and all your problems will go away. The bigger the issue the more work its going to take to solve it. A big huge issue is childhood hurts wounds and traumas still unhealed after all this time. Also wounds sustained while being a teenager and young adult. I am talking about deep seated emotional wounds. To deal with such an issue often times requires a specialized focus. Mentality, attitude, and beliefs are the bind that causes emotional wounds to stick to you.


Changing them requires active continual effort on your part to fix it. Most of the time this is not a one and done deal. It takes sustained long lasting habitual LIFESTYLE changes to see any healing at all. This is why its so hard to overcome. Because no one told you, not your pastor, not your church members, not your father, not your mother, not your husband, not your wife, not any of your school teachers, no one told you just HOW TOUGH PAINFUL FEARFUL TERRIBLE AND GARBAGE this world really is. How could they have told you? When they themselves are messed up and unable to help you at all.

Now even though the world is complete garbage you are still able to have a good life and get rid of these decades years long stubborn issues permanently. But the work is often long, extremely painful, frightful at times, scary, and can feel so bad they make you feel like giving up. DON’T GIVE UP! Don’t give in to that defeatist feeling. No one is telling you to be superman or superwoman, however living in defeat, living in poverty, living in squalor, living in debt, living in pain, living in misery, living in multiple personality, living in fear IS NOT AN OPTION EITHER.

So what to do. Please read on and do your best to apply these steps to your own life. Recognize first who the enemy of your soul is and then recognize God is with you to recover you out of the snares of the devil.


If your wounds/pains/bad feelings/wrong attitudes thoughts beliefs drive you then

cannot bring down strongholds
no power of your imaginations
cannot choose on what you think
You have to mature and grow past where you are now to defeat permanently the issues that you have now. I will repeat it again YOU HAVE TO MATURE AND GROW EMOTIONALLY AND SPIRITUALLY PAST WHERE YOU ARE NOW IF YOU WANT TO OVERCOME THE PROBLEMS YOU HAVE NOW.

Its one thing to say you have to get past it and grow up but its another thing to be shown HOW to do that. You will not find cliches and platitudes here. You want actionable intelligence and you wanted it yesterday. You wanted when you first got hurt. You wanted it when you first felt that terrible pain that you knew scarred you. All those years ago when the bad thing first happened you wanted to know what to do. And everyone around you utterly failed you. They failed because they couldn’t answer you. They failed because they couldn’t help you. They failed because they couldn’t tell you what to do or how to do it. Its time to destroy this ignorance. Its time to destroy this lack of knowledge before the lack of knowledge destroys you.


Recognize enemy THOUGHT ATTACKS:

He will either BAIT you to DREDGE up MEMORIES (we still have the CHOICE if we WANT to do this or not).
OR, he will BAIT you with thoughts, OLD THOUGHT PATTERNS, or LIES/ strongholds, to see if you are going to take the BAIT.
enemy can TRY to plant (demonic) thoughts in our minds — such as a perverted thought while worshiping or praying.
MOST OFTEN, he plays on our LIES, pain, and the FAULTY PERCEPTIONS from your childhood.
You are dealing with EVIL SPIRITS that have been around for years, and may have been assigned to our families through generational sins, who know our HISTORY and have “STUDIED” us, and know our STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES. This is where you need to learn how to have a LIFESTYLE around holiness, sanctification, and closeness to God.

The key question in regards to THOUGHTS is — “What are you going to DO when they come to the CONSCIOUS level?” We MUST be CONSCIOUS of the thoughts we allow in or ENTERTAIN … thoughts MUST BE nipped in the bud. Once you get a memory, you will never loose it. You will always have a memory of the pain and whatever you experienced.

It is what we do with these memories in the theater of the mind, that is the issue. You are the master and owner of your thought life. God has given you that responsibility. I know responsibility sounds scary at times. Maybe you can’t handle. Maybe this maybe that. Please do not listen to the fear. Always remember if you want to get past the problem you have now then you must spiritually and emotionally grow beyond it NOW.

We CAN and MUST control what thoughts we CHEW ON, HOLD ONTO, ENTERTAIN! The SUBCONSCIOUS will always come up with IMAGINATIONS — it is always looking for a REALITY CHECK. You must make the CHOICE to throw garbage thoughts OUT. Throw it away. Its not helping you. HOW DO YOU THROW THE GARBAGE THOUGHTS AWAY? BY NOT DWELLING ON THEM. Don’t let yor thought run crazy and wild. Don’t dwell on them anymore.

Fruit the shows spiritual emotional growth and maturity:

I have more VICTORY in my thought life.
I am able to take thoughts CAPTIVE and pull down STRONGHOLDS.
I am able to CHOOSE what I think on.
I am no longer driven by my EMOTIONS and TRIGGER from my thalamus.
I am more CONSCIOUS — thinking from my PREFRONTAL CORTEX, and not thinking/acting REACTIVELY.
I am better at making CHOICES, and am choosing GOD’s Way.
I am being conformed to the IMAGE of Messiah, and am ACTING more like GOD (Exodus 34).

Take a GUESS … what WIRES the brain the FASTEST? And what is the SLOWEST to REWIRE? PORN is the FASTEST and wires the brain in 3.5 MINUTES! WHY?! It FEELS good! Sexual intimacy was designed for PLEASURE! In MARRIAGE! The SLOWEST is FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness is 180 degrees opposite to the SIN nature, and can take up to THREE YEARS to REWIRE! This is WHY you find that you worked through FORGIVENESS, but six months down the line, you’re still able to be TRIGGERED if you are somehow confronted with the person/situation! You may suddenly feel the pain all over again … you beat yourself up and say: “What’s wrong with you! You have forgiven that person, so why do you still feel all the pain all over again?”

You feel so ashamed to feel this way — you cry out to GOD to help you and forgive you for feeling this way again! What you need to understand is that forgiveness is the most FOREIGN thing to the sin nature in our minds. The act/choice of forgiveness only STARTS the process of diminishing the pain — however, you will have to KEEP choosing to FORGIVE, and in TIME, the REWIRING will be complete … and there won’t be any TRIGGERS or PAIN!

You will FORGIVE, but you never FORGET! The PAIN will go, but the MEMORY will remain … GOD does not want us to FORGET. He wants us to FORGIVE because what He forgives sets you up to be used by Him in the same areas of which you have been wounded and FORGIVEN.

You will have perfect MEMORY of what happened to you. But in FORGIVING and the pain being HEALED, you can talk to others and give them HOPE. They can see there is HEALING and FREEDOM in Jesus.


If you were raised in a home where you were abused and never loved or accepted, then the receptor sites in your brain were formed to only receive rejection, abuse, and the many faces of “no love”. If later on in your life you get born-again and are taken in by the family of Messiah — when they try to give you love, hugs, and acceptance, you are unable to receive it! During a church service, when there is an invitation to receive the FATHER’s Love, you go forward … but receive nothing — you stand there and see others being touched by the FATHER’s Love, but you do not experience anything. So many people in the Body of CHRIST experience this and do not understand why.

Why you can’t feel it or even have trouble relating to the Father is because you have suffered enormous emotional damage that you need to be healed from to that you can then receive the Father’s love. Part of being able to receive the Father’s love is connected to receiving the love of people who do love and care about you.

You need to be patient, as this is part of the process of renewing your mind. As you deal with the pain of the past, recognize what went wrong, and what you missed out on growing up — forgiving those who hurt you and did not love you — working through all the many painful memories — letting go and blessing those who hurt you … this will help to form a new mind in Christ. And for you to be able to BLESS and not curse — to be able to LOVE and not hate.

It will be a PROCESS and giving up is really not an option because what is even the point of you still reading up to this point. KEEP MOVING FORWARD IN THE NAME OF JESUS.


How do we HANDLE our lives when our BUTTONS get PUSHED?

If emotional mental healing still needs to be done in your life regarding your own personal triggers then you down-grade your reactions from the HIGHER centers of your spirit to the LOWER centers of your flesh. You open your MOUTH and out comes the words you’ve learned from your Mother, Father, Grandmother, etc. — the reactive/learned behaviors from your childhood. You must leave this place behind in the name of Jesus.

You end up REACTING in the flesh instead of FLOWING in the spirit. Remember what triggers and buttons are. They are WOUNDS from your childhood. If you didn’t have the wound you wouldn’t end up being triggered. It would be no big deal. That button wouldn’t even exist.

STOP what you are doing
TAKE a few deep breathes
THEN continue
By taking some time between being triggered and opening your MOUTH you begin to put your flesh into subjection and let your spirit do the talking for you. This is wisdom. When YOUR BUTTONS get pushed, take THREE deep breaths BEFORE you open your mouth. This will DESENSITIZE the TRIGGERS from your childhood, and enable you to start HEALING those buttons.

Be CONSCIOUS of the TRIGGER-thoughts your button generates. You will need to break the verbal words your parents spoke over you by speaking words of LIFE.

I can handle this in the Almighty name of Jesus

You have 100 billion+ brain cells that produce biochemical electricity in your head creating 30 thousound+ connections every second never repeating ever. You think faster than you speak 1 thousand+ words per minute vs. 2 hundred+ words per minute.

When TRIGGERED, you react from a certain pathway that has become a HABIT in your brain. A habit in your thinking/reaction forms when you keep thinking/doing something over and over again, until this becomes a well-dug “groove” in your brain.

What happens PHYSICALLY, is that the axon (brain wiring) involved in this habit has become myelinated — a myelin sheath now covers the pathway and acts as an insulator (similar to an insulator around a wire), so the electrical pathway is protected and doesn’t short out.

An example of a trigger-button may be REJECTION. When that button is pushed if mental and emotional healing still needs to take place within a person then that person runs to their sins to COVER up that emotional PAIN. Examples are porn, masturbation, drinking, smoking, eating, sex addiction, various addictions of any kinds etc., That person uses the SIN to COVER for the PAIN. That person uses the SIN to derive COMFORT from the PAIN. Pray this Father please remove and destroy ALL comfortable sins and make sins very uncomfortable for me in the name of JESUS.

When you start doing the SPIRITUAL WORK to CHOOSE to THINK a DIFFERENT way you actually begin to rewire your entire brain by having your healed and renewed mind TRANSFORM and CREATE physical changes in your brain.

The nerve cells of well-established habits/ pathways/reactions in our brains will have THICK myelin sheaths — they will be well protected and insulated. This is why it is so hard in the beginning to actually start to do that work and think differently HOWEVER you are able with the ability to renew your mind by the POWER of JESUS.

On the HEALING journey, when you CHOOSE a new GODLY reaction or thought — a new AXON will sprout PARALLEL to the habit one. As you keep choosing this new/Godly reaction/ thought, the axon becomes more and more established — this is practical righteousness, and a GODLY habit/reaction will be formed.

BUT! If your not absolutely COMMITTED and CHOOSING GOD no matter WHAT, the habit/ sinful axon will actually arch itself and try touch the new axon! The only way this new pathway is established is by your commitment established in the POWER of Almighty God not of yourself.

This is PRACTICALLY what it means to put to death the OLD MAN — the habit/sinful axons — and to PRACTICALLY rewire the brain to “DEFAULT” according to GOD’s WAYS, instead of our OLD DEFAULT settings of the flesh … We have 100 billion neurons in our brain — those are there as “spares” so we can wire around the sin nature, we can wire around our habits, we can wire around our desires, and we become new in Christ.

As you keep choosing GOD’s Way — and NOT the old habit/sinful pathway — the habit/sinful pathway will get less and less electrical impulses, and will start to shrink. The old axon will eventually die off and actually be eliminated and excreted out by the waste system. Mean while, the new axon will get stronger and develop a thicker myelin sheath — this is VICTORY in the battleground of the mind.


James tells us a DOUBLE-MINDED man is UNSTABLE in all his ways. There is a DEMONIC element to DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS. — it stems from an ADULT who is ARRESTED in development — someone who is an ADULT, but still has CHILDISH thinking and REACTIONS:

“I know what I should do — but I don’t do it!” (Romans 7:19)
“I’m also AFRAID to make a DECISION, and my MIND runs WILD!”
You must continually make those LIFESTYLE CHOICES and decide. Make the decision to move forward away from childishness into adulthood and make it a habit.


Be CAREFUL what you DWELL on and BELIEVE. Our minds and hearts will eventually accept it — this is DECEPTION!

What do you tell yourself about your pain?
How do you handle the truth?
You are created to HEAR the truth, and DEAL with pain. Pain brings ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY. The moment you become ACCOUNTABLE (don’t stay in DENIAL), you start the RECOVERY/HEALING process. The PAIN can be SO INTENSE! But until you ACKNOWLEDGE the truth of what/who you ARE, become REAL and HONEST about your flaws, faults, without pretending, become VULNERABLE … the FALSE image you have projected to the world as a form of SURVIVAL will KEEP you from HEALING. I cast down every false image in the name of Jesus. I am created in the image of God. I will worship no false God. I will not worship my pain.

Facing the TRUTH can be VERY PAINFUL — but it brings HOPE in JESUS and GOD the FATHER, that the HEALING process can START.

HEAR what God SPEAKS. Then you REPEAT.


Its not about facts or logic. Its about the truth. Your carnal mind’s rulership begins to be dislodged when you believe Jesus Christ is King and Savior. Secondly then you can DO these things such as read the scriptures, pray, receive Truth when confronted, minister to others, choose sound thinking in Christ etc.,

At times especially in the beginning your carnal mind will fight against the Spirit and new life in you — “It isn’t logical to believe that. You aren’t making sense”. Our mind demands intellectual integrity, a tight system with no loop-holes, no contradictions. It wants to keep the Holy Spirit from becoming seated as the Ruler of your heart and mind. Remember its not a contradiction that God can override the physical nature of reality and the universe.


The gift of speaking in tongues. Nothing dislodges the carnal mind and embarrasses it more than for us to start spouting words it can’t understand or control! And if you have the gift of interpretation of tongues you can even understand it!

Who has not noticed that it is frequently the most logical and rationalistic people who profess to have little use for the gift of tongues? “Oh, I suppose it has some value for some people, but I’ve just never seen much good in it … I’d rather have the gift of knowledge or wisdom.” Perhaps the person has spoken in tongues once or twice to prove he has received the baptism of the Spirit, but has not done it since.

From our infancy, your have installed your conscious, carnal mind in control of your flesh, to rationalize your desires, protect your feelings, think your thoughts, and plan your steps. It is your lack of trust in GOD which your carnal mind uses to retain its throne. There is fear of letting go. I let go where I need to let go and hold on where I need to hold on in the name of Jesus.

When your parents (who represent GOD to our childish mind) fail to apply appropriate discipline to fence-off your rampaging emotions, you are even more subconsciously sure as adults that GOD won’t be there for you if you let go control of ourselves to His Holy Spirit. Because family structures are disintegrating more and more, people are finding it increasingly difficult to trust enough to allow GOD to govern their lives.

Steps to dethrone the carnal mind:

Understand that God can override logic, facts, situations, people, places, things in order to bring GOOD to you.
Refocus on loving God unconditionally and sacrificially greater than any other thing and loving your neighbor as yourself.

Your feelings and thoughts can have such a life of their own within you that they are fully capable of waiting until just the right moment to flare back to life. DO NOT take them up and adopt them again. DO NOT FEAR THAT YOU WEREN’T HEALED. Many believers have never been taught about the continuing battle to subdue their own minds and feelings. So they plunge needlessly back into their ancient troubles and then blame and shout at the devil. He will use whatever handles you give him, but he is not the primary problem. Your lack of understanding and discipline is what hinders you in this case. Remember you’ve prayed you’ve fasted you’ve done so much. Seek understanding and discipline for yourself.

You don’t have to act on them just because they came into your head and heart. They have no real life unless you give it to them. Its a choice. Our carnal mind cannot be adjusted or retaught, it can only be killed. You must come to see your carnal mind as your enemy not friend. Knowing means nothing without putting it into practice personally in your own life.

PRAYER FATHER, I don’t want my mind. I want Your Mind. I believe I have Your Mind within me. Let Your Mind live and rule all my thinking and feeling. I don’t want my knowledge or any other humanistic knowledge. I want Your Truth. Purge my mind according to Your Word. Take me on a never-ending Emmaus walk, and open Your Word to me daily, upsetting and replacing whatever I have learned from the world. Bring my mind to death in all its knowledges and ways of thinking, and ways of controlling my feelings — in all the ways I have learned to think and feel like the world. FATHER, I thank You for the keen mind You have given me. I thank You for all its labours in accumulating knowledge. But now, FATHER, it exaggerates its task and does too much. Still my mind, FATHER! Quiet it. Take it off centre stage so that the Holy Spirit can rule it through my spirit. Turn my mind down for a while, FATHER. It won’t lose power. I will not become dumb or stupid. After a while, it will have more power than ever before, but then it will be ruled only by Your Mind, not mine. It will be Your servant, ruled by You, no longer the master but the slave … AMEN!


It is vain “traditions of men which make void the Word of GOD” (Matthew 15:2-6, Mark 7:5-13). There are traditional ways of thinking that appear Godly but are not. These ways appear right to a man but the way there in is death.

The walk of faith is not a matter of feelings. This doesn’t mean your a robot. But it does mean you have to make certain lifestyle habitual decisions.

It is a matter of continual choices, of milli-second choosings within the stresses of living. Abiding in Messiah demands moment-by-moment choices to live by His Word and by His Example(loving God unconditionally and sacrificially and loving your neighbor equal to yourself). The discipline of trying to live positively like Messiah is what brings us to our knees and to be willing to die to ourselves faster than anything else we have tried so far.

Our mind ceases to be our enemy when we discipline it in Messiah and give it good channels to run in. If we do not pay the price of building such a discipline in prayer, we cannot defeat the fleshly rule of our minds.

There are no instant-on saints. There can be no substitutes for our own efforts. There are certain things that you must do for yourself. No pastor, no minister, no prophet, evangelist, no preacher can do it for you.

And this is one of those areas in which He will not do everything for us with no corresponding discipline and effort on our part. Some believers remain immature. There are those that refuse the discipline of true/fervent prayers and the constant daily habit of checking every feeling and thought and action by the example of Jesus.

Believers need to practice “praying without ceasing” until they no longer have to remind themselves to pray, they just automatically do it.

If you don’t do the work you will not get the reward.


Two types of mental conditioning Inherited and Developed:

Inherited – Thought-patterns and tracks in our minds which were not trained into us, nor chosen in experience, but which are part of us, inherited simply because we are descendants of Adam and Eve. This is the inherited flesh carnal sin nature from the fall of mankind in the garden of eden.
Developed – Ways of thinking we and/or others built into ourselves in infancy and early childhood, so deep we may or may not be aware they exist, though they guide us daily, and may or may not entrap or hinder us. These can be both positive Godly mental condition or negative demonic mental condition. It can be good or bad depending on who it is from. God or the devil.
There are also combinations of both inherited and developed mental conditions.
Like a tree growing, roots are practiced, hidden ways of drinking nurture and fulfillment from GOD, from others, self, and nature. They are:

Habitual manners of receiving.
Systems for getting, not for giving.
Ways our inner being has developed to obtain whatever it deems is necessary for survival and well-being.
Roots are hidden in the same way that we, as tiny children, built ways of walking and talking until they became automatic systems requiring no continued, conscious effort.

Those formations happened so long ago, you have forgotten or never really knew we learned them. Thus, your practiced ways are hidden to you. Remember you don’t know you were being mentally conditioned to act, react, feel, behave, and think certain ways. These ways are not always positive or right. But if you are not aware of your conditioning then you are still living the old life to whatever level or degree you lack awareness.

Roots are ways of reaching beyond ourselves to drink from others what we need — affection, acceptance, love, approval, embrace, etc. Or, unfortunately in a NEGATIVE way, to feed on rejection, refusal, criticism, bitterness, aloofness, arguments, etc. Experience with parents, siblings, and others confirms, upsets, or rebuilds both the root systems we inherit and those we develop. By the time we are six, both kinds of roots are becoming firmly established. From then on, up till through our teens, we are busy building and establishing the strong trunk of character on which the limbs and leaves of our personality will depend for the remainder of our lives. It takes continual effort, major lifestyle changes, and never giving up to change our conditioning