It appears that I spoke too soon on Monday when I said I felt the cloud had been lifted. :/ That was pretty short-lived.
Yesterday morning I did my usual routine, started working out more of a plan of making better use of my time on Steemit, and began reviewing my past year's journal entries as I mentioned in the Randi Green post. Last year, I had been working on a significant blueprint/program/past that is prominent and could very well be my "destiny"...but little by little I was led away from that and never did complete the work. So I was taking notes on that...where to pick up now, etc.
Then I got a notification on my phone that I needed to update an app. Went to update the app, got a message that my phone is too full, need to make space. I thought it was the perfect time to back up photos and delete them from my phone...went to my laptop to do so, and it died. If I didn't have all my old pictures backed up on an external hard drive I would be in full melt down mode right now, so thank goodness for that small comfort. But a lot of important passwords, documents, all my work, journal entries, and bookmarks from the past 7 years are now inaccessible. :(
I also won't be able to make the little Dream Seed memes until I figure out a way to do it on my husband's computer. That's a shame...because I feel that rather than trying to offer some kind of generalized readings that may or may not be accurate for a diverse group, the best way I can serve and give back directly is by sharing things like those ideas and questions, which is essentially what a lot of readings are anyway - just inspiration vs. predictions. And honestly - that's a dig at one of the strategies of making money and circulating it here on Steemit. Two big hits now that I have found a platform and a focus.
There have been several other annoyances - a forum I helped build was overcome with spammers, telemarkters suddenly calling, spoofing my phone number (other friends reporting this too)...just every manner of annoyance not to mention the learning curve here on my husband's laptop. argh!
Enough complaining for now...suffice it to say, something is way off. I know for sure two of my "soul sisters" are also feeling the what is this? I thought when the script ran its course things would go back to normal as usual, but they didn't and it seems to be even more annoying than usual.
So when I spent some time trying to hone in on what is coming in/being directed at me...I can't feel into it like normal and that is strange. There's nothing, and my first reading was saying "everything is fine!" (when I know damn well that is not true).
Then I remembered I was given "timeline editing" last week. BINGO. This is why it is important to remember to ask good questions and make sure you understand the meaning of the information you were given. I assumed that meant "script" (and it did), but there was more to it.
Attacking us in parallel lives is one of the workarounds "Team Dark" uses. Dr. Karen Kan - fascinating lady - speaks about this kind of manipulation a lot... we feel what we are going through on the other timeline, but we can't necessarily perceive it happening here. A lot of clearings/commands/intentions include that directive - that whatever is being worked on- be healed across all space, all dimensions, all timelines - past, present, future... all parallels known and unknown, etc etc.
I think collapsing/integrating as many parallel lives as possible is good work. We are more powerful and have more integrity here when we don't have pieces of ourselves floating around elsewhere going through all manner of weirdness.
So this morning, hopefully asking the right question this time, what is going on with me INCLUDING MY PARALLEL LIVES, I was given this:
I'll take this opportunity to give a mini tutorial on how I use my cards... I welcome and encourage any thoughts, interpretations, insights, etc. It's an evolving work in progress :) If you missed my original posting about the system, you can find it here:
Using the common 9 Card Spread, the left column is meant to indicate past, the middle column is present, the right column is future. The top row is the spiritual and/or mental plane, the middle row is the heart/emotional/creative plane, and the bottom row is the physical/foundation. I personally don't read diagonals, but I do read the "frame", the 4 corner cards, and the "window", the 4 outer middle cards.
Starting at the top left, first column:
4 of Spades, referred to some as "The Coffin", but in my system this is the spiritual warrior card (hello Holly!). This is justified use of negative energy. Below it, 2 of Clubs, an agreement, a contract. Bottom left, The Joker. On this deck I don't have it marked, but I "know" this is meant to be the Blue Joker...Kairos, Synchroncity
So I already know even though this energy is yucky, it is not happening outside the realms of Spiritual Law.
Reading the middle column:
at the top, 5 of Diamonds, reiterating this is indeed something timeline/parallel oriented. And in the middle, the 5 of Spades (the center card can be seen as very significant), in this case a MAJOR blockage happening. Bottom middle - 9 of Spades, the capital NO, sorrow, loss, despair. Whatever is happening on this other timeline is "double plus ungood".
The last column:
7 of Hearts, interesting...something cosmic/planetary galactic. Quite a lot of people do work on behalf of planets, tribes, etc so this is likely referring to that or some kind of starseed work. Below it, 4 of Clubs, healing work needed. Bottom corner, 5 of Clubs, I think in this case is pointing to ancient landscape (in the future position, isn't that funny?). When read with the other cards, it becomes pretty clear this is a karma that needs to be cleared.
Synchronically - I think it goes along precisely with what Randi said in her video, about future selves coming back here into this reality to clear karma now to change their/our timelines in the future. And this is the last loop. YES this is a tribal, future karma, and this is why all the interference is so in my face right now.
Even though this is heavy, it's actually a relief to me to know what's going on because now I can work toward a solution and hopefully some of the weirdness will calm down in the meantime.
Yesterday I spoke with my friend who has been doing her own karmic work lately, and mentioned the possibility of us working on some together for our tribe if need be. It appears this is it.
I could work on this by myself, it may take longer because the information gathering for me tends to come in chunks...but when it's healed, there will be specific energies released into my DNA and everyone who shares the blueprint for it. You can ask yourself right now, does this concern me? Will I benefit from this? If yes - see what comes up for you. If you get any messages, signs, dreams, etc. please share! The sooner the scenario gets pieced together, the sooner we all benefit from the healing. I believe all karmic healing, even the little ones...are significant in the big scheme of things, but this in particular seems to be VERY big. :)
My next task is to begin mapping out the karma to get a framework for the scenario, which I will try to write up in a way that can be used for anyone else who feels called to this kind of work.
Onward and upward!
Edit - I did not read the frame and the window because I pretty much felt like the reading was complete enough, but to continue...
The Frame shows that whatever is happening in this cosmic landscape is synchronic. My initial impressions are war....with one side justifiably defending itself.
The Window: shows that someone has broken an agreement and this is to be corrected.
And judging from the crapola playing out here in this timeline, there's a good possibility I may not be on the right side of this scenario, because whoever is attacking is doing so justifiably. If I were feeling consequences of being unjustifiably attacked right now, the messages would have said so.
I hoped the poem on the back of the Keeper box would be more visible in the picture because I really like it :) .
"The sentinel at his post,
the watcher on the wall,
a guardian of deadly truths,
secret keeper above all.
Guide sea farers where you will,
warm hearths or watery graves,
for in your hands a simple light,
to lead them through the waves."