The Ego Illusion

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

When I discovered the Ego illusion I realised that self-improvement programmes without a knowledge of Ego formation were an oxymoron as the “Acorn is in the Oak Tree”. This just means that no matter how much or how little effort you put into yourself over your lifetime you will not glorify the intended outcome one extra bit. All the ingredients for you to blossom are in you at conception and are part of the flow that will happen regardless of what you "Will" through forced action. Life will bend you to it, not the other way around. Trying to force life to fit your agenda is the definition of your suffering.

Sadly, the methods formulated through history to develop our human Egos, mostly deny your original glory. We have by design or ignorance made ourselves a shadow of our true selves. The Ego illusion is complete when we are christened with a name that isolates us and eventually objectifies our self-interpreted potential. We are born free, to choose our destiny but unfortunately, this choice is abused by our Guardians either by ignorance or design. We follow in their footsteps, cast in the same mould, dependant on their consciousness, perpetuating their strengths and weaknesses. This ignorance gives the less ignorant power to control our apparent consciousness.

Once you realise and know that at conception you are the equal of and are designed with the same potential as those perceived to be the chosen ones you don’t need to buy one more self-help programme. You will finally have peace with the way you are right now. You will stop letting others tell you whether you can be happy or not with their controlling, manipulative suggestions. Striving to attain what society has convinced you is the right path if you are to be accepted as a worthy member of society is the cause of your anxiety and self-loathing.

The Ego illusion is the result of a mistake in emphasis. We do not recognise the existence of our Duality, as the ability to see another possibility was educated out of us in childhood. Through years of feedback, the view we have of ourselves became a habit, set in stone. This is your core Schema. Of course, we appear congruent and objective to ourselves. After-all our objective construct is reinforced every morning when we wake, steer in the mirror and see that we are indeed separate from all other surrounding objects.

God has also been consistently explained by Religions as a distinct, objective embodiment that has the power to raise us into heaven or dispatch us to an eternity in hell. This separate, all-powerful embodiment, was used by Religion to wield the ungodly power of fear with the intent to control the resource that is us. How could we conceive that we are the body of God, the Universe, source and love if we have been convinced over years of dogma that we are separate from all around us? Afterall, the proof is in the objective feedback we have interpreted since we were born.

Now, in modern times, the concept of self-actualisation has been morphed by a Capitalist world, in which power is gained by controlling the minds and hearts of the flock, using the same proven methods of suggestion and Dogma used by ancient religion. However, now the measure of worth is not religious devotion but the attainment of material wealth and global fame. Just another Heaven versus Hell argument as the Carrot/stick. However, Heaven is now not some nirvana you rise to after death but some advantage you gain through rising above the minions. To a station of apparent freedom from material suffering and a life of comparative grandeur.

The result of this neoliberal dogma is to isolate the individual from his/her peers totally, as we all struggle and fight with one another, while silently suffering, over a material future that is seen as desirable yet available to only the most worthy. This couldn’t be further from the truth, yet it does have the effect of keeping the majority asleep chasing castles in the air, while their labour is transferred as wealth to the most manipulative. The individual has been convinced that he/she is a separate being with an identity that is determined by DNA at birth and with a finite life in which the race must be won to leave a legacy from which they will be remembered for eternity. A person of significance, found to be worthy and differentiated from the masses.



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Haha! With such articles you actually deserve to skyrocket here on Steemit! This one alone adds more value than that of people here with reputation 60+ have altogether!

I also emphasize the decluttering of any and all conditioning and return to the only Truth lies within onself! :)

Thanks for this article! Much more of this kind needs to be here! ;)

Thank you, I appreciate your feedback.