The Key to Your Happiness

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

So we are conceived through our creators thought by love and it follows that we are the power and the glory in the creator's image, being that we are also innate creators as determined by the singular source of our seed. Therefore from this, we can conclude those emotions that diminish the infinite creative power that we all possess at conception are illusions of wrong thought. These are induced by an error of the child mind in the face of a flawed interpretation of environmental feedback. So awe and wonder become pain and suffering by wrong application of the subconscious by using objective concepts necessary to describe the physical world to describe ourselves instead of using subjective concepts to describe ourselves. So it pays to train your consciousness to stay awake and in charge so that the false negative concepts we have of ourselves can be weeded out to reveal hope and happiness that has always been within you.

People with the knowledge that we are creators with a palette that includes the entire resources of the Universe can take a thought and, motivated by its possibility and their love for humanity to reduce mankind's suffering, add intention and attention while staying the course, believing the possibility can be revealed in the three-dimensional plane that we sense as matter. Finally, with focus, persistence and patience (even long-suffering) the thought materialises composed from the finite chemical elements (Periodic Table) that make up our objective universe.

Today, in our pseudo capitalist world, this is called invention, the manifested item is likely patented to enrich the gatekeepers, so only people with the right ticket can benefit from its creation. Yet, as stated above the thought was freely available to all and belongs freely to all. Does the thinker deserve compensation for loving the thought into our consciousness? The One Source had already provided this gift to benefit all, it was just waiting to be revealed to our senses through faith/love of believing before seeing.

The fact that the chemical elements in our Universe are finite means you don't invent, no one owns or has an exclusive right to any invention, again this idea is simply an economic construct to enrich a few. Everything that is and can be is just waiting to be revealed through this process of objective conception of thought waves, for the unencumbered benefit of all. Time is just a pragmatic, comparative model to compare one past moment to now and some future moment. In reality, everything that is is always happening right now. Not in the past nor in the future. Similarly, everything that will be, already exists in possibility, we just can't sense the objective manifestation yet, as no one has had enough love for the thought to believe it into reality. In other words, creation is simply the process of revealing what is and always has been, but certainly not invent which is defined as "create or design (something that has not existed before) be the originator of." After all the originator was the Source Energy that created everything.

Yet, as already discussed, through constant repetition and reinforcement in a process of negotiation and agreement with others, your whole world is interpreted to be objectified outside of yourself as though it already just magically was. Through the process of habit force instilled in you over many years of formal education, described in the book Master Key to Riches by Napolean Hill, there can be no other reality. This view of your World model will only change at that moment when you see yourself as a subjective creator projecting your thoughts from within rather than excepting impressions from outside and then acting within (reacting rather than initiating) - after all, each of these externally derived impressions is an ageing object of thoughts manifested in the past and being consumed until it is completely used up and replaced by a more recent version.

So your thoughts in the present moment are new, (or maybe just a rehashed story of the past if you are sleeping) while that outside of you is past thought congealed into consciousness. Its future is either decay and replacement or refinement through additional thought, probably through interpersonal reflection and objective adjustment. This, as discussed, is an objective technique that we have perfected over many centuries, yet we must realise it is the cart, not the horse.

In my opinion, our goal then as an adult is not to strive for the objective past but to strengthen and develop our much more powerful and subjective abilities as a creator of our own lives to fulfil our needs in the present. Once we realise this the objective world is no more than a game, the ultimate game of plasticine or Lego. We can build and destroy today for fun and start again tomorrow with something else.

The key is that you are not bound by any past moment. You have the ultimate choice to reinvent yourself anytime you like, this is happiness.
