Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words will
Never hurt me.
I want to know who can really say that words don’t hurt them. Yes there are people in our lives that we listen to who may say harsh things to us, and because of their status in our life, we simply over look their words and/or actions. So what of those who we hold close and dear to our hearts? When they speak harsh and cruel words does it not hurt? Nine times out of ten the hurtful words are said during an argument or misunderstanding. Because of their closeness, they know what buttons to push and how to kill the argument but in the wrong manner. If someone hurts us with their words, we go right into fight or flight mode because that’s the natural thing to do.
This is mostly how family divisions begin. We should step back and count to twenty before we respond in order to keep the peace and be the one who controls the situation through love and respect for the the aggressor. In an argument or heated conversation, the one who is listening rather than engaging, is the one who is slow to anger. It takes a strong person to control an out of control conversation because the other party may not be willing to end the conversation at the time and may continue to push buttons. I’ve learned over the years not to give anyone that much power over me to take me out of my character. We were designed with feelings intact so no one is truly without feelings unless they decide to compartmentalize (mostly because something traumatic has happened in their life). Which brings me to this scripture James 1:19 NLT
Putting this into action is easier said than done but our relationship with family, friends and even those that we pass on the street are worth showing the love of Christ...Put In The Work.
Thank you for reading
May God bless you
and keep you
is my prayer