My non profit ------>EUUNI

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)



Great Rising Steemers,

In 2016 Myself and a classmate decided we wanted to become more active in our community. We wanted to be unique with our approach as well. When I did public speaking events I wanted to be able to say what ever my spirit wanted to bring forth. This just all happened. I began to speak about what I was passionate about. A better community. Holistic health and nutrition. Spirituality and Religion. Womb healing and other ancient healing modalities.

We felt that sharing our gifts in nonprofit spaces we'd be able to spread awareness and unify community members. Creating spaces for learning and healing for the community and those who give constantly.

I feel a more effective way to help any community is to be able to provide services that allow people to be held accountable for their actions. Solutions that allow people to do the work of healing and make it a daily practice in their lives. I no longer believe in quick fixes. Real change comes to those who work hard for it. All people need is community, faith in themselves, and a foundation to build off of.

A place where your past doesn't define you but builds character and teaches life lessons. I find that motivating others to heal themselves, gives them what's necessary in order to be able to get through lives hardships without feeling judged, taking ownership for what happens in their lives and communities.

Some organizations usually tend to make you feel worse then you felt before. When your down and out, and you look down and out, instead of giving you a helping hand, they make you struggle harder.

Without any regard to what you are struggling with. This can be very hard.
We didn't want that. We wanted to bring awareness to our communities in a language that we understood very well. REAL!
We didn't want to make folks feel inferior. As an advocate for women in homeless shelters (while I myself was homeless at the same time) gave me insight on how the system was being run. They didn't care I smart, wise, and motivated I was. It literally felt like they wanted to continue to break me down!

There were folks in positions who were constantly triggering women/men who were trying to be better. If not that they had become burnt out by their career choice or swamped with so much work that your minor needs didn't seem to EMERGENCY enough to rush to.

I wanted people to feel like after they dealt with me they could go out and be president if they wanted to. I also wanted to engage with the community I had been living in and learn about the struggles that we needed to work on collectively, you know as a VILLAGE!!!

I began to partner up with existing organizations whose views were the same, in an attempt to UNIFY and bring our separated communities together. Two great organizations are Union Capitol Boston (UCB) (Community Engagement) and Transitional Remedies Solutions (TRS).
UCB's Facebook:


TRS Website:
Coming Soon
TRS Facebook:

Sometimes we need a doctor to help us get better. Most times we just need people.
People who LOVE us.
People who BELIEVE in us.
People who aren't judging us or labeling us.
People who understand us.
And most of all people who aren't trying to drug us but are trying to understand us.

I like to look at people as WHOLE. Realizing that usually a illness is a direct separation from GOD and Self!

Understand that whenever I speak of GOD I am speaking of The Source that sustains all life. The Good and Bad! Sometimes the issue is that we don't have enough Faith, and also we don't do enough Spiritual WORK!


The wellness wheel above shows the FOUR elements, the four compass directions, and gives some great suggestions on which essential oils can be used to help you reach a certain state of relaxation and clarity in that particular point of your life.

A lot of my post will center around this information, as well as magic, spirituality, mysticism and healing. I truly believe that all these things are who we are, and that the ancients were closer to The Source than we are now. We now have technology, which has been great but has also slowed us down from reaching our Highest Selves.

My team wants to bring that back. We want to help heal our communities using ancient techniques that allows others to reach their full potential.

So when I'm online asking for donations from total strangers, I promise it isn't to pay my bills, or buy new things, it's simply for our team to have all that we need to make sure that healing is possible. We have Men's healing groups, Women's healing groups, Book clubs, Brunch's, Speakers that are specialized in fields like Quantum Physics, Yoga, Meditation, Herbal-ism, and Nutrition. This is one of the books we are reading right now in the book club.

A New Earth is $1.99 here ---->

Or Free on audio here----->

This book is amazing but you've got to be ready for it or else you'll resist his powerful words. I'm listening for the second time and It's helped me put my life into perspective.

I do it for them !! Those who have paved a way for me and those who will step in long after to keep legacies going!!!

We love the grants and funding programs but we love one another as well :-) ! If you feel moved to donate, please do so by clicking the link below or even Up-voting this post. All proceeds that are earned here will indeed be used for our organizations cause!!! Small donations are accepted!

Like and share this Facebook group ladies: A documentary that myself and 8 other women are featured in will be airing here!!!

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