
How intensively were you seeking for Him that you can make such serious statement? I guess not much. Today is still time for you to fix it. No-one knows if there is be another day for it.

He does say that If you seek Him with your whole heart you will find Him.

I guess "seeking Him with your whole heart" includes being open to the reality that He exists.

Good point about time running out too!

Why do you think, that is a serious statement? Its not like I was talking about gravity is an illusion. It is a simple, easy statement. Like "There is no rain because there are no clouds the sky". Nothing big.

I think that to be absolutely sure something does not exist, you would have to know everything. If you only know half of everything, something could exist in that half that you do not know about it. Right?

Can you prove that God doesn't exist?

Of course you can't yet you are 'sure' that he doesn't exist. I see this position so often but it still staggers me, truly unbelievable and illogical.

I can prove that it is far more likely that God does exist because that is how I found him - after a very long search for truth - but that is another story for another day.

Please provide proof that God doesn't exist.

no disrespect intended but seriously - do you still believe and trust Wikipedia? I gave up trusting it many years ago and so should you.

I challenge you you to debunk any of my blog posts.

I agree there are certain topics that should be taken with a grain of salt, the link i posted i don't consider to be one of them.

here's another link anyway.

You can't prove that something does not exist. To ask for that is defying logic itself. You can only "prove " the inexistance by again and again showing that there is nothing of what you search for.

For thousands of years the greatest minds of their time have tried to prove the existence of God - and failed.

So it is not illogical to believe God does not exist, it is illogical to believe he does exist when all those tried to prove Him have failed.

Of course, the moment He stands in front of me I will change my mind. Then He has proven His existence himself. Until that...

you have been deceived and many of the points that you have made are incorrect.

The moment that you stand before him is a moment too late. You won't be given the opportunity to change your mind. Your fate has already been sealed by then.

Search him out, he is real.

Scientists that believed in God.

I made only one point - that logic is stronger then believing.
If he is real, let him come to my door and I will open it. If he cant even do that, he isnt a god.

He is God, he doesn't jump through your hoops.

Matt; 12:39 - But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

Matt 16:4 - A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.”

You want a sign, Jesus told us that you would want it but you aren't going to get it. You have to search for him, and he is waiting for you.

The only sign that you will get is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jonas (symbolically, or literally) spent 3 days in a whale and lived. Jesus spent 3 days in hell (for you) and lived.

That is the only sign that you are going to get I'm afraid.

steemtruth down: If He does not jump through my hops, He has no right to judge me.
LennStar; on the usage of the own brain

btw: authoritative arguments only work if you quote an authority, not something written by a bunch of old people 2000 years ago.

Then, why is there something rather than nothing?

Cause and effect.

If **no the effect is greater than the cause, and everything is the effect, then the cause must be greater than everything.