You should be surprised when you discover the only true way to peace and truth is to get “lost” first.
You were actually always “lost”.
Perhaps you thought you “knew” something.
What do you know? - Something? Or maybe Truth?
The only man that KNOWS is that which knows that he knows nothing.
By now you shouldn’t be surprised if i tell you to get lost in knowing that you know nothing.
I mean you should get lost in knowing nothing.
I actually mean you should surrender your ego.
For that’s the first step to peace or truth.
Much success in your surrendering.
Surrendering doesn't mean weakness, it means that you are able to comprehend you know nothing and that you really cant control too many outcomes in your life, so being in the present and surrendering means WISDOM! Beautifull post man!
Amazing! Thank you! ;)
When I think about life in general, and us human beings, I like to believe than in the long term (really long term, I really cannot put a number to it) one of our greater goals could be to gather every knowledge there is in the universe, I don't know if that is possible for several reasons like how to see past the event horizon on a black hole... but I like to think in the future we will achieve great things that today seem like impossible.
Absolutely, man will never stop trying to evolve and man should never stop.
Science will surely make a lot of new discoveries, but how can you you get to the end of a bottomless hole by digging it? That’s one of the mistakes I feel science makes