I found an interesting question being discussed and thought I would share my thoughts on it.
“What does it mean to ‘Be Spiritual’, and do you have to act a certain way to be a Spiritual Person?” as quoted from @eco-alex in the ecoTrain Question Of The Week”
A Shaman Stone, Buddha and Bali Goddess.
In the picture above, I hold in my left hand a Shaman Stone. I’ve only recently learned something about what it is although it has been in my possession almost all my life. The statue of the Buddha holds in his left hand a round circular stone. The Bali goddess hangs suspended in the air causally looking out the window.
There is certainly an answer to share on a personal level about the things that hold meaning for me in my life, however, some things are best discovered on your own.
I think being spiritual is somewhat related to being mystical, but spiritual practices aren’t geared towards any particular result.
I think being spiritual leads people to the same kind of place. All of us have some fundamental qualities that we could consider to be universal. Just as there are laws of physics that apply to everyone there are also things that are substantially the same within the fabrics of many belief systems.
None of us are any more special than any other and we are all deeply loved when you peal away the world of forms.
Being Spiritual or being Religious
Many religious people are spiritual and many spiritual people are religious. There is a slight difference. Perhaps a story of what happened with my dad and I can help illustrate.
I spent many months being the caretaker for my dad as he was struggling with cancer.
One morning we were running late and we arrived at breakfast just after it had closed. We started talking about where else we might go and figured we had missed out on the free bouffant. As I started to push my dad away in the wheelchair there was a man that came up to us. He explained to us he was a fellow cancer patient that had survived his first bout with cancer but it had come back. He offered to get them to open the doors up for us. Apparently his brother was still eating inside and could talk to them.
At first we didn’t want anyone to go to all the trouble to do this and generally don’t arrive right when places are closing but we didn’t know their hours yet. We explained we would be fine with going elsewhere but the man insisted on trying. He called his brother on the cell phone and they opened the doors up for us to come in and eat. We were very happy.
The man asked us to remember him and pray for him. This happened many years ago but I still remember him and pray for him from time to time and I pray for others that remind me of him.
After shuffling around many high priced hotels an opening had opened up at lower price accommodations run by a religious organization. The room was on the second floor with no elevator. I went in and talked to everyone and got the key. They seemed friendly enough but I could feel a sense of reservation about them. They said that their leader would come by soon and welcome us.
My dad managed to get up the stairs with a herculean effort. It was painful to watch and hard to render any assistance.
When we settled into the room my dad took one look out the window at they way they were dressed and said, “They will never come and see us.”
I thought for sure someone would come by but they never did.
Types of Spiritual Practice
Each moment and individual is completely unique. There are so many ways of finding out things and forming beliefs. There are so many wonderful ways of doing spiritual practice you could go on for a long time describing them all.
A brief metaphor. When building a cabinet you might have several different books describing the process as it was done before by others. Each person has many different tools that they enjoy working with and are skilled with. Several different people may band together and make cabinets in the same way.
The point is not really in what tools you use, how much you learn about it, or the end result. Or that you make some ramshackle cabinets but consider yourself a most enlightened cabinet maker, LOL.
The mind has a terrible time trying to figure it out. Cabinet making is bad enough but explaining what is a spiritual practice is difficult. Especially with such varied opinions between different groups of people.
Qualities of Being Spiritual
She smiles captures the feeling for me.There are certain qualities of being spiritual that seem to go hand in hand. This picture by @dswigle
The mind likes to make things into goals and measure progress yet these qualities ebb and flow and it is really hard on yourself and others to get to hung up on anything.
After a time of spiritual practice these things tend to show up in various degrees in peoples lives:
- Presence
- Humility
- Gratitude
- Loving Kindness
- Compassion
- Generosity
- Blessings
- Sensitivity
- Toleration
- Inclusiveness
- Mysticism
I think there are many more. All of this too is not the point but a byproduct of something else imho.
Thanks for reading! I probably spent so long writing this that it is no longer the ‘question of the week’ but please enjoy. The picture was taken by me with my Galaxy S7 and processed by many CPU cycles of esoteric software and hand tweaking, lol.
I do like the list of traits. I think those are some that we can all agree on as being worthy of striving towards. So is it fair then to say spirituality can be thought of as a means to bring us closer to those traits?
I don't think it quite works that way, I think these things more naturally happen as a result of our getting more in touch with our spirituality. It is pretty difficult for me to explain, there are many wonderful texts that go into much better depth on the subject than I can.
Spirituality is so very personal in so many ways. I sometimes have a hard time explaining what it means, but I also know what it feels like to me. You can't touch it, sometimes you can't see it, but your soul cannot be fooled.
Thank you for touching upon my picture as an example. I was also very glad to see another feel the same way as I did when I saw that picture. Thank you again. Have a wonderful night! Tip!
Agreed! Actually, this was a difficult thing for me to write because explanations can be interpreted in so many ways. I think every person has a unique history and set of experiences that give differing meanings to things. Thank you for the tip and support! Have a wonderful one!
great articles and nice post @lightsplasher
Thanks! :)
i totally agree to the sentence of your post"I think being spiritual is somewhat related to being mystical, but spiritual practices aren’t geared towards any particular result"
Thanks! I do think there are things that are felt and experienced more than known.
you are most welcome....i am eagerly awaiting for your post full of information,thought etc.....
thanks for resteem
Nice post.
i like it.....
beautiful art...dear @lightsplasher...... i read your post...
Thank you! I enjoy playing around with software trying to make things look fun. This was a very tough subject to try to write about.
this good
Okay, thanks!
you are welcome
Nice post but spiritual!!!
LOL, thanks!
Amazing post
Thank you! Fun but hard to write.
Nice post
that was great to read. good article and nice pic..........//////////
that's pretty cool to know, i will always support you man!!!
Thanks man! :)
Spirituality is in mind only
Hmm, this kind of depends on how you define 'mind' is suppose.
thanks for sharing keep it up
So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime
The state of being love and sharing leads to appreciation. Thanks!
Great post and good writing.i like your post and upvoted.
Thank you!
You are welcome my friend, I have a new post, do not forget to visit ya, let me add the spirit in steemit.
lovely post...thanks for sharing
Thank you, thanks for the nice commenting.
this is mind blowing sir
Thank you sir! My mind is a clear blue sky. (Part of a song your comment reminded me of, lol)
The first condition to be spiritual is to be good. Out of goodness derives everything else. Your post, with a less-known theme so far, manages to ask us questions about ourselves.
Thank you for your reply. These are indeed interesting concepts and so hard to explain. As you realize how interrelated all things are being good can change meanings. I'm reminded very much of a poem by Mary Oliver that perhaps you may enjoy listening to:
Thank you for reply and poem. I must confess that I'm not such a good English speaker and I was afraid to listen the poem and to not understand the meaning. I think I understood something like everyone has his place in the world order and to let your feelings free ("You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves"). Thank you for let me know about Mary Oliver!
Your welcome! I believe there is a language beyond words where things are much easier to understand. It is difficult even for native speakers to explain such things as spirituality.
Is she not glorious? I love her poetry - its deep, honest, simplicity. I love when something simple carries the full essence of its subject. Thank you for posting her here.
Im happy u contributed to the QOTW! Lovely post @lightsplasher
Thank you! There is a lot of great writing and interesting questions to contribute to. I'm happy to write on these things.
Hi @lightsplasher! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.01 SBD @tipU
from @dswigle :)
@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment, get share of the service profit :)
This is a greatpost,,,,,,sir
So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime
NIce post excellent photo
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)
I really enjoyed the ways your stories showed the difference between being spiritual and being religious and that you sensed it right away. Wonderful picture of stone/Buddha/ and Goddess. I've just learned about the shaman stone.
Thank you! This was a fun post to create pictures for and write for me but tough to pick the right words for. I just got another shaman stone for Christmas it looks to be a very nice match.
maybe you will post about that ~ and i find i may have fun looking for one! it's intriguing.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the picture and the article.
Thanks! I like the way it came out, it is mostly photography and computer generated effects.