Songs of Joy – (Original Poem)

in #spirituality9 years ago

Let us all celebrate joy, this poem is my contribution. Enjoy
Oh joy I breath you, in waves
Like a tide coming in and out
Teasing the shores with its splendour
Crashing rocks with tenderness

Oh joy you flow through me
Like a raging river, determined
To get to sea, you flood my body
Bursting my defences beyond recognition

Oh joy your glow radiates me
Like a full moon transmitting love
With fervent intensity, demanding my presence
To feel and appreciate you

Oh joy, you are vibrant, full of life
Like a flower kissed by the sun
Surrendering its beauty, to pure enjoyment
Grounding me to my true self

Oh joy, I am grateful for your love
Like a scorched earth, blessed by rain
I embrace all that you are
Thank you for loving me


Hey I just wanted to comment that the same person that flagged me, flagged you. They didn't give a reason and they seem to be flagging a lot of people. Don't get discouraged.

I just posted this about it.

I've been going through trying to upvote every person that he downvoted recently. Not sure how much voting power I have left at this point.

Thank You! You give me hope for steemit!

I am grateful for your comment, let us keep steeming!

Oh well, somepeople have just too much time on their hands, God bless them! Thank you, I will return your good will!

Thank you, there will always be people like this; I wish them good luck.