Meditation as a Quality, not a verb!

in #spirituality4 years ago

Often meditation is used as a verb, like saying "I am going to meditate." Really that doesn't mean anything. Meditation is a quality like the sweet fragrance of a flower! This isn't to bust anybody down for having said such a thing, more to clarify, what is what. Similar it is said for as yoga, "I am going to do yoga" Really that doesn't mean anything either. Yoga is being conscious of our union with the Divine Presence animating all of creation. It is not a verb! You can be in yoga driving, you can be meditative, while driving!!! Let me clarify that before it gets me in trouble haha!!

That is not to say driving with your eyes closed in Lala land, No!! you can make a playful, prayer out of anything you are doing! Next time you are driving, being fully present in the act of driving, make it a play instead of a pain! If there is traffic and lots of cars in a city, and you have fun with the errps and the opps of all the cars and traffic, navigating your way through, it is much less stress on the system then, getting frustrated and worked up!! Because where are you going, what are you doing, is it worth losing your center of awareness?

There is a thing happening to humans now a days with all of the information and stimulus available, you could call it space fever! Peoples are doing there thing but thinking about being there or there! People are there or there, thinking about doing there thing!! Driving home, already mentally at their house doing whatever they are going to do at their house. At their house already mentally occupied with where they are about to go, or whatever! Reading a post on the internet already thinking of the next one! Many people right now are just nervously itching! This is a common thing now, because of the times, and technologies, yet really it is helpful to realize this is a nervous system malfunction!

Why don't we do what we are doing and be with what we are doing?

None of this negates being prepared or organized, having a plan/strategy and executing on it! Really it enhances it tremendously! To be fully relaxing and by the riverside when we are there. To be fully in intense work of whatever kind when we are there, not dreaming of when it is done or mentally being off somewhere relaxing by the riverside!! Being with what we are doing! Human Beings!

This is what I am saying by meditation it is a quality, not a verb, not a thing to accomplish! There are techniques and ways to cultivate the quality of meditation within us. Which really is what people are saying when "I am going to meditate, or I am going to do yoga" They are going to use some kind of practices or methods, to till the ground, to nurture the soil, to water the seed so it sprouts and the beautiful flower of meditation blooms!

This human organism is such an incredible instrument to experience this creation within! There are many, many ways to tune the instrument,IMG_1673 6.PNG so the sweet melodies of the Divine can be heard, so the intonicating, peaceful trance, of Celestial Bliss can shower in our lives. For Truly The Grace of God is showering all the time, too often though the cups of attention are just face down, in this or that, and not open and face up to collect this immortal dew!

So this is an invitation to do those techniques yes! Do those things that will cultivate the quality of meditation in your life. Yet remember that the Love of the Creator is what brought us here, is bringing us here, and is the intelligence forever throbbing Life into its continual creativity! Grace is the giver of meditation. Right now as reading this, perhaps feel your face relax, the center of your brain relax, the depth of your breath, be aware of it, and remember You are beautiful, you have access to the unknowably huge amount of Divine energy within and around you! And let the Grace that is always showering upon you have your attention for a moment!
Remember You Are It!!!

Our Choices matter
Our Voice has power!
Thank You!
I Love You All!!!