So many people are familiar with breath work techniques, and there are many methods to apply! Breath is the most potent medicine man has available and it is going on all the time, unconsciously, and consciously.
So it is the most direct bridge for the unconscious and the conscious. From the unmanifest, to manifest. From infinite potentialities, to realization!
There is a magical point about an inch and a half below the belly button. In Japan its called Hara, in China Dantien, in most yoga schools the navel center! About an inch and a half below the belly button! Even while reading this, you can tune into that space!
And hopefully you are familiar, if not here is a brief description on how to breath properly and consciously!!!
Tune into that navel center space, and tune into a straight spine, root to crown! Flatten the curve of the low back by very subtly pulling in and up on the anus, sex organs and navel. Lightly, though enough to sit beautifully and perfectly straight as your body already knows how to do!!! Also slightly pull in the chin so the base of the skull is nice and open!
Upon the inhale (Tuned into the navel center and straight spine) Breath all the way down to the navel center filling and expanding the entire pelvic floor in all directions. Continuing to inhale filling and expanding the belly, the chest, and the head! Filling and expanding 360 degrees on the inhale. Breathing all the way into the bottom of the lungs!! The belly expands so does the back so do the ribs it is an expansion on the inhale. Climbing from the pelvic floor up to the crown expanding on the inhale!!!
Upon the exhale the flow goes back down, basically reversing the expanding motion back down to the root. On the exhale you can tune into the slight tuck of the chin and feel the effects there, feel everything fall into beautiful alignment on the climb back down to the root, pushing the navel center towards the spine pushing all the air out of the lungs!
It is important to do this with nurturing love, presence, and awareness!
There is a dance that is happening, there is a magical spiral dance going on between the masculine and the feminine energies. The yogis call this Ida and Pingala,
Ida (moon/feminine) Pingala (sun/masculine) These energies are doing a spiral dance around the sushumna (The central channel) The Spinal column/the spinal cord!
While breathing and climbing up and down the spine with the breath, tuning into these energies is incredible! Which is why I share them in here, although in short. It is important to practice these things. They are pontificated upon in yoga schools, and the like. Rarely are they practiced with sincerity and a since of clarity. It is not some abstract, untouchable thing. These can be experienced and tuned into right now as you read this!
They call pranayama (control of the prana) Breathwork (What is prana, apana, and kundalini? That is a whole other post!!). Which sounds real serious and not so fun. Same with the techniques that cultivate meditation, they are talked about like they are boring and work! To me and my experience with many yoga techniques, qi gong and the like, a light hearted yet sincere approach is most effective!
When there is a feeling of playfulness within prayerfulness so much beauty comes forth!
What could be more enjoyable than consciously being in union with the Divine?
Life is a spiritual experience, through and through. Everything in existence is spiritual. If it exists it is spiritual. The Divine is the presence behind all things! What could be more incredible then doing the techniques that make this a knowable, experiential reality, always?
This is an invitation, however new to these ideas or decades of experience deep you are in knowing these ideas.
Let every breath be a death and rebirth. Infuse every breath with prayerful magic! Stay with the breath consciously as much as possible throughout the day. Breathe into all the cells of your body, breathe into the field in, through, and around the body. Breathe into the spaces you enter, Breathe into the whole cosmos, and feel the cosmos breathing You!
Our Choices matter
Our voice has power
You are Beautiful
I Love You all beloved family!
Thank You
It seems unbelievable that breathing is what keeps us alive and we do it unconsciously, it is good to take the present moment to do it consciously, everything is aligned and we feel calm.
Totally worth taking the present moment, and doing it consciously! It is how you get intonicated, cryptoxicate!!