The Healing Arts Center, of the Heart Center, Enter the Temple of the Stars

in #spirituality4 years ago


Ever since I was younger I was fascinated by the pyramids of Egypt, of Mexico, and all the ancient monuments that were all across the earth. Which led me into reading Graham Hancocks books Fingerprints of the Gods, and later Magician of the Gods. As well as other works like John Anthony West, Magical Egypt. Which really opened my eyes to the megalithic proportions and feat of these monuments. The Astrological/Astronomical intelligence laid within them, and it totally fills me with wonder and curiosity!

Whenever I was in Healing Arts school 5 years ago, we talked about this in class some, and we were shown the research on pyramids. Some of which was done in Russia building pyramids and observing the effects over a long period of time. It showed that it enhances the innate healing abilities within the human organism/organic life! Helpful to immune function, cell regeneration/harmonization, reducing the risk of disease etc... Pyramids generate an energy field of healing! Pyramids even will keep a sword within its field sharp over a long period of time! And to contemplate pyramids built with an incredible amount of cosmic information held within them is profound. Why were these built is a great question! Who built them is a great question! Why were these peoples obsessed with death and the journey/transition that takes place? Why did the skills of architecture decline over time instead of improve? Are they laid out intentionally across the globe at specific points? Are the same peoples behind them all?

To me wonder is a beautiful place to be. Not knowing holds tremendous possibility.

My feeling is that in these beautiful temples of the human organism on the planet earth. The more we strengthen and heal these nervous systems, these endocrine systems, these musculo-skeletal systems, these organ systems, and these mental/emotional/subtle bodies. The more these minds of ours are attuned to the presence and intelligence that is living in all of existence from the rocks to the trees, to the insects, and animals, and human beings, the more we will see. This beautiful garden planet and the powerful Life giver of the Sun we dance around are communicating with us! The quality and sensitivity of feeling and communication with these animations of Divine intelligences, these Living Beings. The more mysteries become less misty, less mystical, more practical, and more applicable to daily life. For here we are within an amazing temple called the human organism with all this water we can infuse with gratitude and love, with all these crystals we call bones we can program with healing prayers. With such depth and beauty in the amazing garden planet we dwell, and with a cosmos blooming with Life, with Intelligence, with so much meaning!
We have an opportunity with every breath to infuse prayerful magic into this world!

Our choices matter!
Our voice has power!
Thank You
I Love You