Hi all, its my first time here on steemit,
A few nights ago I wrote myself the following, I heard about steemit and thought it would be nice idea to share it, hope you would like it.
We are beings of light, light that can be seen from a specific angle as colors full of style and character. On each one of us required the task to recognize its color and shade to unite with it, to be whole.
However we need to remember that all of us, with our individual uniqueness are actually from the same source, by looking at a specific perception.
For every color there is a space given, some ground, which upon it the color would be shown, a sheet for example. The sheet can rough, plain or soft and so forth. The color will be painted differently, according to the sheet that it's given.
As the sheet needed for the color to be painted on, so color needs a brush. The brushes as well are different and unique from each other, some pointy, some thick, and others could be already dirty from previous colors.
Therefore, before we are beginning our task of self-fulfillment, that we are expressing our unique and special color, we should pay attention to the sheet's blueprint which is standing in front of us. We should as well pay attention to the brush which we are using, to make sure it's clean enough from previous tasks, that it could be used properly to let our color be presented truly as our own unique expression.
When all of us, each of one of us, will come together with the same synchronized force, attention and integrity, our light will burst out and will shine for great distances. I think our light will be seen in greater distance not only for the reason to be shown for others, but just as outcome of our great power of one.
Each shade of color has its right place on this Earth and all are matters, no color is better than another because each has its purpose. Same as us, humans, like the colors, we should treat the variety of other beings as part of our family.
If we desire to see and feel the light, we can consciously remember that every opposite of us is simply a reminder of our individual expression and every other being can help us be complete and whole.
good job. That is beautiful! You are real master. @mannupi
Thank you!
Very True..... I believe this also. Everything is One. up-voted and followed
much appreciated!
Hope I can benefit to these beautiful community with my not-perfect English :)
Good content
Keep sharing good posts!@mannupi
Thank you
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