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RE: How the wisdom of Kabbalah has allowed me to survive in the most dangerous city on the planet

in #spirituality7 years ago

Well, as says Javier Wolcoff in Argentina, there are two main forces in the universe, fear and love. If you live in fear, nothing works, if you live in love, everyting goes perfectly. When you see a dictatorship like our face to face, you can run. But you force your body and your habits to have no fear, force yourself to ask only for the upper lights, and then the miracle happens. I don't know how, but Kabbalists are like the X Men, mutants, with differente powers. Mine is sincronocity in the very sense of the theory of CG Jung. Everything become connected, mi thouhgts and my environment, the things I think and the responses of the universe, not only in messages I see, I listen, I read, but also with phisical responses: persons you are thinking on suddenly appear, this you need and ask for appear, and you feel your body and soul working in a different level of energy and light. But is hard, you descend also, and the daily path is to recognize this descend, ask energy and go up again a little stair... Well, nine years with the method of Baal Ha Sulam, the Rabash and Laitman. You have to try yourself, haver!