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in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

I did some research on this subject. I recommend reading @papa-pepper

Prophets are sent to people so that they can find the right way and organize their lives according to their creation. It is mentioned that about 124,000 prophets came to the hadiths. Cenab-ı Hak (c.c) has always sent prophets and prophets to keep people from being uneducated and unguided, giving miracles to these blessed people who have spoken to people, wise words to their tongues, nakedness on their faces and books or suhuflar to their hands.

Not all these holy prophets are in the same authority. At the beginning of the prophets are the greatest prophets whom we have called the Most High. One of these is the Qur'an known as Ibn-i Mary and Messiah. It is Jesus (a.
z. They assigned a hypocrite called Tatyanos (Yuda) to find the place of Jesus (a.s) and the Apostles. Once the venues were identified, they surrounded the community with a group of close to four thousand people and sent Yuda, who was known as a friend, but who did not believe in truth. Yuda could not find anyone in there. When he went out to inform him, God Almighty (c.c) had his face Hz. He likened Jesus (a.s). When the Jews saw him, Hz. With the intoxication of finding Jesus (a.s) they took away their wailing without listening.

Before Yuda said, "I am not Jesus," they crucified him and killed him. This is what the Qur'an says: "We have sentenced them to such a punishment, because we have actually killed Christ Jesus, the Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah," but they did not kill him, Indeed, those who fall into disagreement with him are in a definite suspicion, for they have no knowledge of this other than to obey a zana, and they have not killed him precisely. "(Surat an-Nisa, 157)