Can the Future Really be Predicted?

I've been thinking about whether it really is possible to predict the future or not lately. I'm not talking about predicting what could happen if you only stayed on a particular path. I am talking about whether events that happen in your life are really written in stone.


My opinion is that there is a mix of fate and free will that come into play. Therefore a legitimate and very talented intuitive (I hate the word psychic) may be able to predict some things. And yet a legitimate and talented intuitive would always make it clear that free will comes into play no matter what.

I am an astrologer and tarot reader, but I am not practicing at this time. I received my astrology certification in 2006. The kind of tarot readings I do are based on current situations. I examine what the likely outcomes are with those kinds of readings. Planetary energy can influence us in many ways. But again, we all have free will.

We may be drawn to take certain actions based on outside influences. Or certain actions based on what we are capable of handling. I believe some things are meant to be, which is synonymous for fated events. But it's entirely up to us as far as how we handle things that happen.

That is only my belief. We won't really know the truth until it's our time. Again my belief.

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I believe we can predict the future because we are creating the future in every moment.

My thought on this, since I am a firm believer that we shape everything in our lives from the beginning, is that the things that we notice as "fate" are also our creations.

We put things in motion so deeply and so long ago (even as infants) that when they begin to become visible we don't feel that there could have been any way that we had created them. So we accept them as "fate" and move on.

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and whatever we believe will be the truth within our lives. Ironically that makes everyone's beliefs true for them.

If we believe that we do not have control then we will not.

If we believe we do, then we will.

Very nice post!

Thanks @michaeldavid as we all have our views on this. No right or wrong answer when it comes to this kind of thing. Thanks for putting in your thoughts.,😊

You are right @miriamslozberg. It's all in our own perceptions. :)

There's a great lyric from a song called "Playing in the Band" that goes thus:

I can tell the future, just look what's in your hand..."

I always like that. And it often works ;)

That's pretty cool. Don't know if I know it though.

It's by the Grateful Dead... you tube it ;)

I have seen futures that have come to pass, and I have seen futures that do not happen. I'm not sure how that works but it may be what you are focused on and intending to happen.

Yes and that involves free will too

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Interesting way to look at things. Haven't had my cards read in a long g time.

Yep you should get a reading done

Nom nom nommity nom.