I confidently let go of fear, knowing I am safe and loved.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

I am always safe and loved copy.jpg

Message from the heart -
You always have a choice. You may choose to be afraid or you may choose to walk powerfully in love. The two are opposite conditions and cannot co-exist in the same space. The next time you're feeling afraid, ask yourself, "Am I afraid of what's happening to me now or am I afraid of what might happen?" Most of the time you'll realize it's thinking about what might happen that's causing you to be fearful and not what is happening. Choose the power of love so you'll be able to let go of the fear you're creating and enjoy all that is here for you now.


Beautifully stated! Wonderful questions to ask yourself so that you can bring your mind to another area of focus, so that fear won't have the total control anymore.

Thanks so much. May you always walk powerfully in love.