Do I want to live or kill myself off?

in #spirituality7 years ago

Apparently I am being judged as being broken and needing fixed by quite few people out there. I am being told I am a bliss ninny in the worst possible way. That I am not looking at or dealing with my shit as it were. The same ones saying I am codependent or am an abuser are saying I am not really looking at or willing to look at any of my shit because I am not willing to LISTEN to them or DO what they want me to do. Which seems to be to join with them and do what they want me to do at all times. I am not to think for myself in any way shape or form. Only they know what is right and best for me. Apparently the consensus is that I need to start drinking the kool-aide. My inner guide is telling me drink water or I may find myself slitting my wrists. Do I want to live or kill myself off? Decisions, decisions, decisions....


For what it is worth, you cannot please all the people all the time and to do so will just drive you crazy.

Self worth and self validation come from , surprisingly enough, yourself. So while you feel you have to somehow validate your existence to other people this is simply untrue.

We all find our own way to enlightenment and whether the path is long and winding or whether it is short and straight has no bearing on whether you are a good or bad person and whether you deserve to live or die.

The fact you reach out to others or wish to share their pain or your own is what is means to be an empath. And not all feelings you will have will be your own.

Stick around, please. We have barely met and I am already feeling there is much to say.

I am frolicsome and I am easy,

Good tempered and free

And I don't give a single pin me boys

What the world thinks of me.

Hello my brother. What is shared here was a moment in time from three years ago. Much of the items I share will contain experiences had, lessons learned, processes used and the dialogues had that have led to healing on all levels. Much of what is shared is how I have had to accept who I am and the abilities I have. I am psychic. As a child I learned to hide, bury and block my abilities to survive the abuses they were raining down on me. As I have healed my experiences I have begun to reopen these doors I closed for survival. All on this journey has been needed for me to learn who I am and am meant to be. I would not be who I am if I had never experienced these things that I have. Blessings to you on your journey my brother. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

Ahhh.. well I guess my advices still stands whether then or now.

Glad you have found a comfortable place to be in and don't fret over my trials and tribulations. I may not be soaring but I am not sinking either and right now I am just happy to be who I am.

Well there is not much else I can be so..