…for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
– JesusAs you thinketh in your heart, so shall you be.
– JesusOur life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.
– BuddhaWe are the witnesses of all your thoughts and all your prayers and all your actions.
– Qur’anWherever the mind wanders, restless and diffuse in its search for satisfaction without, lead it within; train it to rest in the Self.
– Bhagavad Gita
For those of you who are a bit more spiritually inclined:
Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.
– The KybalionKnow ye, O man, that all of the future is an open book to him who can read. All effect shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the first cause. Know ye the future is not fixed or stable but varies as cause brings forth an effect. Look in the cause thou shalt bring into being, and surely thou shalt see that all is effect.
– Emerald tablets of Thoth
So how does this information pertain to you? Since thoughts are energy and vibration, every thought we have has a certain frequency and that particular frequency corresponds to ones emotional state of being. This also implies that we are able to master, change, transmute and adjust our emotions as we please, using a higher vibration of thought over one of a lower vibratory nature.

Personally, I find that regular meditation is a key factor in having more control of thoughts/emotions and patience. Meditation not only allows one to let go and be more at ease or peaceful with life but it trains your brain to concentrate and focus.
“The mind, as well as all the metals and other elements, can be transmuted from one state to another, one condition to another, one polarity to another, from one vibration to another. True hermetic transmutation is a technique, a method, a mental art.”
The Kybalion

In the end, please know that ‘reality’, whatever you perceive it to be, is not static or set in stone. In actuality, reality is whatever you believe it to be. This may seem like a foreign concept or one that seems impossible to grasp but I assure you that you all have an open and clean slate to do and live as you please. This is the human birthright that we have long lost; learn it and you shall play in life’s magical playground being a co-creator with the Most High and enjoy life to whatever means you wish. It’s up to you to learn about the power of your mind; how your mind works and how your thoughts work. I send you all love and blessings and a magical journey!
One Life, One Love, One Mind
As a man thinketh - James Allen The Law of Projection Universal Law of Cause & Effect Wayne Dyer - Power of Intention The 3 Magic Words