Based on my experience, & I happen to be a TRUTH seeker, once you start learning, the truth can really depress you.
I'm not one to be in denial, but around a year ago I was struggling with the pain of the truth on a topic that I didn't want to believe.
Nor did I know which side was TELLING me the truth since both sides lie ALL the time : (
It took several months before I could physically & emotionally come to terms with it & I'm still on the fence at times.
When you've been told lies all your life & it's your lineage we are talking about, it's hard to undo the brainwashing.
That's why we (including me) need to be patient with people who have been deeply brainwashed.
Ripping a person to shreds because they are holding onto the lies can harm a person & literally set them into a deep depression.
We don't want to harm people.