What is Spirituality? Spirituality | Religion
In this post, I am continuing the topic from my previous blog post. Here I will discuss Spiritual concerns and about spirituality and religion.
2: Spiritual Concerns:
Spirituality is a very wide field. To be honest, due to its complexity no one can actually tell you what spirituality truly is, however, as I've mentioned in my other post Common traits of spirituality in the whole world, some basic qualities are always going to be there. Spirituality is something we all should be concerned about because all the material things will end one day but, the spiritual growth you once attain cannot be taken away from you even by the death itself. I will try to elaborate spirituality in its simple to its most complex states. Let us first begin with...
What is the meaning of Spirituality?
The root of the word spirituality is “spirit” which is defined in Webster’s as follows:
Main Entry: spir·it
Pronunciation: \ˈspir-ət
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French, espirit, spirit, from Latin spiritus, literally, breath, from spirare to blow, breathe
Date: 13th century
1: an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms
2a: a supernatural being or essence: holy spirit
2b: soul
The physicist Max Planck (1858 – 1947) once wrote, “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”
A process and not a journey, for the development and growth of the spirit/soul/mind etc. Spirituality is not a journey one must understand, life is a journey where a process called spirituality may happen due to our spiritual nature. Life continues even after death and we will discuss it later how and why even scientifically.
Point of the spirituality is not to know whether there is any life after death or not but, to purify our mind and body, to liberate these two aspects of our existence so that we may be able to see and know ourself, our spirit beyond this body which is covered in the layers of vexation and delusions. As we work to manage and keep our physical self, we somehow forget to take care of our non-physical existence i.e. our mind, our emotions, our thoughts and the soul/spirit that we are.
Spirituality can be as simple as cultivating a pure mind and a good nature to the enhancement and cultivation of the human energy system and the perfections of the spirit (Siddhis) etc. by diverse and complex processes.
For those who wish to live the highest possible spiritual life while living, working and managing in the material world the Buddha gave The Noble Eight Fold Path under Three categories of Training of Wisdom, Conduct/Morality and Discipline/Meditation that ensure the libration of both mind and body and ensures a good, happy and peaceful life.
Right Understanding / View
Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort / Diligence
Right Mindfulness
Right Meditative Concentration
Three Categories of the Training:
Wisdom: Right Understanding and Right Thought
Conduct / Morality: Right Speech, Right Livelihood, and Right Action
Discipline / Meditation: Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration
Now, Not all of us can become a monk or a sage, can we? Thus, Spirituality comes at various levels according to the understanding and level of the spiritual person. I have made a very basic list of stages of a spiritual person for your better understanding.
Materialistic but want to take the first step in understanding spirituality (Rookie)
Less Spiritual and more materialistic (Beginners)
Spiritual yet more materialistic (Novices)
Balanced influence of spirituality on material concerns (Intermediates)
More Spiritual and less materialistic (Experienced and Advanced)
Extremely Spiritual (Superior and Adepts)
Spirituality includes the techniques, practices and nature/mind purification and development in order to purify one's spirit, know the reality and understand who we are.
When I say "who we are" you may think that you know who you are. You may relate yourself to your name, bodily appearances or your profession may be. But think about it a little deep.
I am giving you a basic experimental practice to do, perform it and know for yourself.
Sit down calmly anywhere you'd like to sit comfortably.
Close your eyes and begin to take deep breaths for a few moments.
As you relax, Notice your any foot and feel/notice, are you the foot? or the foot is a part of this body? It's obvious it's a part but keep doing and you'll feel something soon.
Now move a little upwards and notice your legs as you feel and ask yourself are you these legs or these legs are a part of your body?
Continue the same procedure with your, abdominal region, Chest, Heart, Hands and Arms and Neck. You'll only come to the conclusion that all these organs are a part of your body and not you collectively.
Now check your Face and Head, is this you? probably no but a part of your body? Maybe you are this brain? and you may think that maybe all these organs collectively make the "YOU"?
But not ask yourself, Where do I feel myself? and notice yourself? You'll only notice yourself near your eyes and you may think this is where I am?
Again try to notice what is it that is aware of your eyesight, as it is a little confusing part do it like this: Focus and look at the darkness in front of your closed eyes, Now ask yourself who is seeing this darkness? your answer can be eyes, me or my brain. Then ask again Who is aware that I am seeing this darkness through my eyes? Who is aware of the scenes, who is aware of my thoughts? The most logical explanation you would be able to give yourself is either your mind or brain... keep asking who is aware that my brain or mind is aware? who is aware of this awareness itself? and you'll be stuck because your logic of physical reality can no longer go in the realm of spirit, your existence. There can arise a thousand questions but even my words are failing to express the experience and feeling which you gain that, you are beyond your body and organs.
As you'll keep practicing you'll surely gonna gain the insight someday that you are beyond this body, brain, and mind.
The purpose of this technique is to simply let you have a very basic experience of your own existence as a spirit in this body.
To have a little more better understanding read my post about Spirituality: Living the spiritual life for starters
Anything related to the spirit i.e. a person, place or an object having a relationship with the forces, powers, qualities, and traits of anything beyond the confines of physical existence. It always includes some form of physical nature in the physical world however not all physical concerns are spiritual.
Example: A physical person, place or an object may be regarded as spiritual but, a spiritual entity/deity, realm or force/power doesn't necessarily have any physical existence yet it may manifest itself physically with the help of physical vessel and exist in the physical nature. It's like a superimposed layer of spiritual force of any kind over the physical matter.
When we say Spirituality or spiritual, the most basic impressions that we gain are positive, good, simple and pure. Thus, Spiritual is in simplest term anything that is related to the spirit or spirit world or forces in a positive rightful manner.
The level of spirituality in a person can vary according to the understanding of life.
-I want Money, I want to be rich no matter what because money buys all happiness through luxuries. Money is Life. If there is no money there's no good life. (possibly not that spiritual mindset but a materialistic mindset)
-Money is important to survive and perform better, however, money is not something that determines the quality of my life, the quality of my life is determined by my good qualities and a positive mindset. (Possibly a higher spiritual mindset)
-Money is nothing to me, my sole purpose is to develop and focus on my spiritual development, only for the basic survival of this body, enough necessary amount of money is alright. (Extremely spiritual, less materialistic)
Having any amount of money is not at all a bad thing, in fact, it supports your life and development, Having a tainted mindset after having money is a problem after all not every person can become a sage or a monk.
Do I Need To Leave My Family To Practice Spirituality?
Definitely No, You cannot just escape your worldly responsibilities just like that until of course it's your calling and you have fulfilled all your responsibilities of worldly concerns. Leaving worldly attachments to practice spirituality is rare but is considered as an utmost way of spiritual living as a monk or a sage. Here leaving attachment doesn't mean you just dislike and stay away from the social world and material things but the point is to not have their influence upon you while you practice and to reduce the temptations during practices. It also means that you are no longer a slave of a material world and desires and can live happily and contented as you cultivate a pure mind and eliminates the defilements and poisons of the mind. So, at last, I am no one to judge if you should or not leave your home for spiritual practices but, I can at least say that fulfilling your worldly responsibilities from your side should be done before and should have the concern of your family regarding your decision for your spiritual practices. After that whatever you wish you can do as you please.
Spirituality and Religion:
Now that you have known what is spirituality, It will be easier for you to understand the difference. Spirituality is the base of all religions. A religion cannot exist without spirituality but, Spirituality is free from all religions, It doesn't require any religion, race, cast and any worldly creations and labels for its existence.
Where religion can be strict in its ethics and laws. Doesn't like any interference and is definitely sometimes made a cause of division and war in relation to their God but, spirituality is beyond the concept of God. Spirituality doesn't ignore God but, it also doesn't say that you need to focus on God or it's mandatory. It's your personal wish to have any faith or have none at all as you practice spirituality because spirituality is more like a science, practical in nature based on self-practice of cultivation and improvements. One can always meditate without the concept of God if they wish so, however, having a faith in God have its own perks as we gain more sense of security and hope in our life. Even a religion can grant you a very good spiritual life if only one seriously understands and practices the teachings of their religion.
I personally believe in God and Demigods as I have worked with a vast majority of them and I have personally found that they are helpful, obviously because we all need some guidance and support if we are not so dedicated and have been affected by material concerns too much but, They are not a necessity for a spiritual living at all.
Religion says to focus on the God whereas Spirituality teaches us to focus on your own spirit and you'll be liberated and helped, don't be dependent, be your own lamp, surrender to your mind to your own spirit/soul which religion says is a fragment of God so, both in ways it's a win-win situation if, you consistently with dedication practice your prefered way.
If you have any questions related to this topic, you can ask me and I will answer your queries.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time to read my blog post.
Have a Good Day!
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