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in #spirituality6 years ago

that doesn't mean they are marginalizing you or dismissing you.

I guess I should define words.... When someone begins to speak lies against me, make false accusations, and claim that have said and believe things that I never had, it seems that they have chosen to side with the "father of lies." Any brother willing to go to that length would, in my own possibly mistaken opinion, be attempting to marginalize and dismiss me. I could pull up quotes of such accusations and slander, but I'd rather not.


Interesting. Seems you have another noganoo on your hands.

I'm not sure all that @naganoo is guilty of, so comparing me to someone else isn't a fair assessment of my points of contention. It rather shows the invalidity if your points of contention.

So far, neither you, nor @papa-pepper has answered my points addressed in this post. Rather you both would like to equate me with Satan and demons.

@bluerthangreen well Satan and demons deceive men in to disobedience to God's law so.......

No one needs to be deceived to disobey God because if we are lost, then we are all under sin to begin with and are enemies of God naturally. However, men are deceived into thinking that they can be "good enough" to merit God's forgiveness or favor. All our righteousness is as fithly rags. The deception is in thinking there is any worth in what you do in the flesh. Yeshua is Lord. Jesus is Lord.

You say this as if Torah Observant believers think obeying God earns us our salvation. NEWS FLASH, WE DO NOT THINK THAT!!

Does salvation require a change in our behavior? YES OF COURSE! It is the realization of our sinful behaviour that shows we need salvation. Should we receive salvation and continue to live as we did prior to salvation? GOD FORBID! After receiving salvation, our desire is to live as Yeshua did, to live a life of obedience to God's laws.

You claim you don't think that, but your belief that a person must observe the Torah in order to maintain his/her salvation says otherwise. If faith in the finished work of Jesus saves you, it is also faith that mainains you.

So you are saying then salvation requires no change in lifestyle? You can live like hell after salvation and still be saved. I think you better reread Matthew 7 cus Yeshua had something very different to say than what you are.

Sin is transgression of the law.

"no one needs to be deceived to disobey God because if we are lost then we are all under sin begin with"

There is a big IF in the middle of your statement. Yes those who are lost do not need to be deceived to disobey God because they are lost. Those who have been found can be deceived by Satan and demons to disobey God, they can be deceived to think something that God said is a sin is not actually a sin. Case in point this guy right here.

The same God who declared homosexuality an abomination is the same God who declared eating pork and shellfish is an abomination.

You would be a hypocrite to say anything about this man's abominable lifestyle while still consuming that which God declared is an abomination. Specks and planks.

Please do pull up such things. If I have slandered you or misquoted you I would like to know how and where. If I am wrong, I will admit it and seek forgiveness. If however, you are wrong, will you be humble enough to repent?

@papa-pepper, I would love to be shown where I am wrong in anything I've said either in this post or other posts. I have been wrong before and am used to humbling myself before God and my fellow man. Please show me where I am wrong.

@papa-pepper, a few days ago you made a comment that associated me with Satan and claimed that I was lieing about you, putting words in your mouth, and making false accusations about you.

I guess I should define words.... When someone begins to speak lies against me, make false accusations, and claim that have said and believe things that I never had, it seems that they have chosen to side with the "father of lies." Any brother willing to go to that length would, in my own possibly mistaken opinion, be attempting to marginalize and dismiss me. I could pull up quotes of such accusations and slander, but I'd rather not.

You said you could pull up the quotes of such accusations, but would rather not. I asked you to do just that.

Now, I'm formally asking you again, please show me where I've lied about you or made false allegations or put words in your mouth. You can't make lies and false accusations about me and not produce the proof unless you know that you are intentionally lieing and falsely accusing. I sincerely hope that is not the case.

As I've said, I want you to show me where I've sinned against you, so I can seek forgiveness, if indeed I have sinned against you as you claim. If, however, you have no such quotes or proof, then you have proved yourself to be associated with the "accuser of the bretheren," the "father of lies" and not I.

You can choose to ignore me, but in so doing you violate God's Law and God's word as revealed in the New Testament in regards to resolving conflict between brothers. You can justify yourself and claim those admonishments don't apply because I'm not your brother, but that also violates the clear instructions revealed in the New Testament about loving your neighbor, which I am spiritually and literally.

So, please show me my sin, if I have sinned, so I can seek forgiveness if it is necessary.

Remember Jesus' words:

23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

@bluerthangreen here's one of your false accusations right here

...teaching the beliefs of the Hebrew Roots/ Torah Observant CULT.

Saying Torah observance, that is obeying the loving instructions of our God, which is your God too, is a cult is completely false. You're saying that Jesus /Yeshua was in a cult you're saying that Paul was in a cult you're saying that Peter James and John were in a cult you're saying that Moses and Aaron were in a cult, you are saying that David was in a cult. You're saying that John the Baptist was in a cult.

Obeying God does not mean you are in a cult any more than standing in a garage means you are a car.

We've already talked about this. I live next door, you have my phone number.